The Ginger Cow

On our recent spontaneous trip to stay at Grandma’s, and after a busy morning spent helping in her garden followed by a little water fun and lunch, we hopped in her mini bus and she took us to see her friends farm “The Ginger Cow” which is situated just outside of York, in Evringham in East Yorkshire. It is a cute little family run cafe and farm where a lovely couple are living their dream and sharing the fun with visitors. They describe it as “Idyllic” and I couldn’t agree more. As we sat with the sun beaming down and enjoying delicious cordials and ice creams in the garden whilst the kids played dress up and games in the tepee, rode tractors and pushed the vintage prams (and I couldn’t make my mind up over all of the tasty cakes and foods on offer), it all felt so beautiful and was so picturesque and relaxing. It was busy but not overcrowded and the views were splendid. Its hard to believe it when you hear that they have only been there a couple of years and built this place from scratch with no farming experience!

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After some chats and bevvys, we took a little guided tour around the animals (all pram friendly) where we heard the names and personal tales of each animal and how they came to be there. We saw some of them perform their little tricks and laughed together at this and the little stories we heard about them all. The farmer gave several opportunities to the kids to feed them and the whole thing took about an hour. I loved that the the kids were captivated throughout and just loved it. I have been to so many farms in the last 5 years as a parent and of course here we saw the usual sheep, goats, pigs, llamas, cheeky hens and then The Ginger Cow(s). But this farm is beyond your average visit because Shaun the farmer gives of his time to show you around and to tell you all about its evolvement and his animals, in the process sharing many an intereting fact on the breeds of animals and their individual backgrounds. He encourages the kids to get up close to the animals and not be afraid, personalising it all by calling them each by name.

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This farm is special because it is the fulfillment of a couples dream and a working progress together. Once there you can truley feel the love and passion they have for it and see for yourself how he, his wife and their kids have built an amazing life and clean and child friendly place to be shared and enjoyed by all. I came away feeling like I wanted this dream for myself, which Mr Smith was rather apprehensive of and laughed off, but truley it is such a lovely unique place, with a personal touch and where I hope to visit again – most deffinitely a great afternoon where hearing and seeing of their families story and what they have built together was not only interesting and fun but very inspiring too.


This is not a collaborative post just appreciation of a lovely afternoon. 

#YorkshireFamily with Yorkshire Tots



  1. August 19, 2016 / 8:28 am

    What a gorgeous afternoon Mary! I can’t think of a better way to spend a sunny afternoon. My kids love animals but I agree that not all ‘farm experiences’ are created equal. Lovely to see these animals so well treated and that this couple have done such a nice job with the farm. Thanks so much for sharing with #YorkshireFamily
    Erin Ek Rush recently posted…10 for the weekend – West Yorkshire family events August 20 & 21My Profile

  2. Holly
    August 19, 2016 / 7:41 pm

    Thanks for your kind words. I am the eldest of Shaun and Wendy’s daughters and am so full of pride when I see their constant hard work and how much they have achieved. It really has been a complete change for them and they put every ounce of their being into it. Your words will mean a lot i’m sure! Hope to see you again in the future and so glad you enjoyed your visit.

    • Holly
      August 19, 2016 / 7:42 pm

      Ps I’ve just realised I know you. Hope you and your family are well Mary xx

      • Mary
        August 19, 2016 / 10:39 pm

        Thanks Holly – I have loved hearing their story when we visit my husbands family in Bev and it was amazing to finally see it in action. The kids loved it and didn’t want to leave and it is such a lovely place and idyllic indeed! Yes we do know each other 🙂 You were a good friend to me back in our teens so nice to hear from you and hope you are well too x small world x

  3. October 28, 2020 / 10:09 am


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