Having lived in Leeds for 7 years or so I have visited Kirkstall Abbey a few times, I have taken the kids on the odd occasion to their weekly craft/play sess and even once went into the musem..it was an epic fail – Mainly because they were too young and not interested and I was disappointed to never have seen the whole museum.
For the last few months I have had it on my “To go to” list and yet we have never actually got around to going, I figured now they were a little older they may enjoy it more…I was right! Mr Smith is currently off work with a chest infection (he’s apparently on deaths door!) and so as to help him get some rest I bundled the kids into the car and off we went. From where we live it only takes about 25 mins and we stopped off on the way for a sandwich each and arrived there around lunch time, it was perf because everyone was heading to the cafe for lunch and so it was pretty quiet. As its Easter there were some lovely crafts and then we explored the Victorian Streets – Absolutely brilliant. So many teaching opportunities, lots to touch and even some fancy dress.
Upstairs was even more kid friendly with a section about looks/looking good (to be honest I didn’t read much as they legged it to the wigs) and then a gallery all about Victorian children, toys, and living. They had a lot of fun singing nursery rhymes with me and then we played tea parties, followed by story time in the den (with mummy not the museum). I couldn’t believe that then they had a nursery with old toys on display and plenty of toys for the kids to play with (que hyperventilating from E) it was so lovely.
The Victorian era is one of my faves and it was great that we were able to spend a good hour and half in the museum learning and playing together, the staff were all very child friendly too and it was just a lovely atmosphere. The fun didn’t stop there as we made our way across the rd to the FREE Abbey, which I must warn is VERY tempting for children to climb on! They loved exploring it and were in awe at the vastness of it all. It was great to see them soaking up history and loving their life!
I cannot wait until the weather is warmer so we can actually go again and this time spend the whole day there and at the park too; playing, exploring, learning, creating and picnicking you can do it all at Kirkstall Abbey & Abbey House Museum!
Linking up with Yorkshire tots for #YorkshireFamily (Thanks)
I can completely relate to taking kids to things when they’re too young but it looks like your had a great time this time! You got some stunning photos in the Abbey. Mine look to be similar ages and although we love the Abbey we’ve never been to the museum. One to put on our to-do list! Thank you for linking up with #YorkshireTots
Theres loads to do in the museum, even though its really small! Thanks they’re only from my phone but the weather was bright and no one around made for some good shots! x
Oh I miss living in Leeds when I see photos like this. I used to live just up the road from the Abbey and would run past it quite a lot. Ah fond memories. #yorkshirefamily