Dinostar Hull & Peter Rabbit 2

This weekend felt refreshingly normal (as well as a little bit special too I suppose). I don’t particularly like using the word normal – I mean, what exactly is normal? I suppose what I mean by that statement is that life felt familiar again and more free – like it used to. It felt special but it also felt ordinary again – special ordinary moments!

We hear a lot recently about “returning to normal”; I guess for me I interpret that as life being more free again and having more options in the things we can do together and the places we can go. I look forward to family days out, like I am sure the majority of us do and we have all missed having these to look forward to. And so, because an element of that has now being restored, this weekend felt something more like it in comparison to the life we have had this last year and, because it seems to have been such a long time that we have been able to do the things we enjoy too, it also felt a little bit special too.

On Saturday we enjoyed a lovely family day out to Hull where we saw Peter Rabbit 2 at the Reel cinema in St Stephan’s, followed up with a visit to the new dinosaur museum over on Humber street – Dinostar. We also looked round a couple of shops before the kids excitedly scranned a Taco bell for tea whilst we blasted out our spotify “Party Tunes” playlist on the way home. Aside from some scrapping in the car between siblings and some deafening wailing as a result, Saturday was such a lovely family day out with a joyful vibe to it for us all.

Our weekends for the last few months (like yours i’m sure) have mainly been walks, walks, a chill day here and there and then more walks. Whilst it has been great to discover new trails around our local areas, connect with nature and let the kids run wild and free and play outdoors, it has at times felt too samey for us and we have missed doing other things too – like the cinema, eating out, museums and attractions.

It was so nice to mix it up again this weekend and to know that the school holidays are on the horizon too, offering us more outings and adventures to enjoy together.

We love the cinema and it has been well over a year since we last stepped foot in one. Peter Rabbit 2 has long been awaited by our little ones and it was certainly the ideal film to jump back into “normal life” with – it was chilled, funny and joyful for all. I personally preferred the first (by a smidge) but the kids just thought it was brilliant (and lets face it, it is more about them on this occasion). We were fortunate enough to bag ourselves bargain tickets on the “movie madness” deal that Reel had running and so it only cost us £2.50/ticket, which was such a steal (check out their website as this may still be running)! We had a picnic lunch at the cinema (sshhhh) and so when we came out we were able to head straight to our next stop – Dinostar on Humber Street.

FYI – Baby Oscar was a dream in the cinema and barely made a peep, which of course meant that we could thoroughly enjoy munching, laughing and watching a great family film all together!


Dinostar is a new children’s museum and shop on Humber street (not far from The Deep) it has models, fossils, bones and interactive tables where dinosaur lovers can get up and close with both dinosaurs and archaeology!

Alice is our biggest dinosaur lover in the fam and really loved the museum (as did Megs). We thought it was good on some levels but also thought that it felt a little dated in its vibe and quite basic too. Saying this though, it does tick the box for any dinosaur lovers; offering some great models and fossils for them to see as well as a good general overview of timelines and dino facts. They have some cool interactive stations and upstairs kids can dig in a small sandpit for bones, as well as drawing and reading all things dinosaur. It costs £3.00 for adults and £1.50 for kids and I think we spent about 45 minutes there. Ethan was keen to leave earlier, but the girls had a lot of fun and as I say, Alice was in her element (so that was worth it) and I know she would love to go back!

The stairs are tricky if you have a pram so just be aware of that, and I do believe they also do school visits, which is another thing to consider if you are in education.

We wrapped up the weekend with our usual church on Sunday AM (which saw the last week on Zoom before returning in person – YES!), and then Sunday lunch at Grandma’s followed by a walk on the Westwood in Beverley. It was such a lovely Sunday too after a lovely Saturday and it was great to see the buttercups out in full bloom over the Westwood pastures (what a pretty sight to see).

A trip to the cinema and a museum at one time not so long ago was such an ordinary thing to do as a family, just as dinner at grandma’s and pasture walks in the buttercups. But this weekend, they all just felt that little bit more special and we were grateful to be able to have fun together as a family doing more of the things we love with the people we love!

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