Our Family – August 2016

August has very much been about Family and I couldn’t have asked for more from Summer. If I had one word to sum up our month I would most definitely opt for “family”; with our wonderful holiday in Cornwall, our recent ‘family fun weekend’ with Nathans family and now me and the kids enjoying some last minute adventures on the coast at my Parents. Family is great and I have loved the Summer holidays for giving us so much time and lush weather to spend time together as a family on many adventures and having a great time with our families. I couln’t not include a family pic from our holiday, taken at the lost gardens of helegan and a reminder of the first holiday with Alice, the craziness that family holidays now are and another imperfect picture with only Nath looking at the camera and me wondering why on earth Ethan is trying to elbow me? Either way this is our normal, unpredictable, adorable family life and it was taken whilst we were loving the time we had together.

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The rest of these pictures were taken on Sunday in our “sunday best” after church whilst at Nathans Parents house for the Bank Holiday weekend. I really love how clean and lovely the kids always are on a sunday, and as church is such a key part of our family life I like to look back on Sundays and remember that amid the chaos, random outtakes and moments where I have no idea what is going on, that there actually were some moments of peace, there was unity and at least one day a week where we were all clean, I had time for hair and make up and we looked pretty good!


I love sunday’s more when spent with family and I love to sit in church and see my family all around me, it makes my heart happy and sums up what life is all about really. I say this because I am mindful that as we enter September, we enter my least favourite month, and a month where we reflect a lot on Poppy and her anniversaries. Its a hard time of year in our family and will now be mixed in with saying goodbye to both Ethan and Megan as they begin school again. And so, when I have moments of sheer joy with family and remember how great it is when we are all together, I want to capture it and feed the hope I have that this and these momentes we work so hard for, can be our forever.


This bank holiday weekend was another 4 days of family time and family fun. More moments of tresuring family as we celebrated Grandma Smiths birthday and had a jam packed weekend which included water slides, a bouncey castle, pottery painting, playing games, outings and singing together some British anthems! I laughed so much, enjoyed chatting with my inlaws, felt exhausted and felt blessed for our little family as an extension to something wonderful.

And now as the fun continues with my family (minus daddy) with trips to the beach, making mud pies with cousins and lots of ice creams, I am grateful to August for more Sunshine, more family laughs and fun and more bonds created for my kids with their cousins. I love these carefree days together, the routines we have fallen into and seeing how much better the kids have beome at cooperating for me. I love August for giving us so much time together so we could make lots of memories as a family and with our family.

In just one week our schedule be back to school runs, sorting uniforms and me having far less kiddie convos during the day. Whilst I look forward to the initial quiet and rest, the increased freedom, a tidy home, time for me occasionally whilst Alice sleeps…I know it will be short lived and I will miss my little buddies a lot. But for now we will enjoy together the last few days of summer, of freedom and of fun.


The Me and Mine Project


  1. August 31, 2016 / 9:09 pm

    Oh they’re both lovely sets of photos – but I know what you mean about feeling that Sunday is the one day for Sunday smarts and looking clean and tidy, if only for a little bit!
    Carie @ Space for the Butterflies recently posted…Me and Mine 2016: AugustMy Profile

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