The Ordinary Moments 2017 #2 – Gilmore Girls, Viruses and baby snuggles

This last week has been mostly uneventful. I have barely done the school run, seen anyone or stepped outdoors, due to most days being spent resting, snuggling and watching back to back episodes of Gilmore girls thanks to a stinking virus that caused me to revert back to my bed. Sickness…dizzy…painful muscles and lack of energy – its been both frustrating and rather miserable over here in my life!

I have these moments occasionally and my only saving grace in all of this was that I lost 4lbs, got to spend my time snuggling my baby and receiving many gummy grins, and ticking off a good chunk of the 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls I set myself to watch last year!

I fell in love with watching Gilmore Girls the first time around that it was aired over here, and have vivid memories of watching it daily during the latter weeks of my first pregnancy with Ethan. You either love it or hate it I think, and I am certainly a lover of that mother daughter pair!

Watching TV and movies are one of my favourite things to do, it just brings me joy (even when they are sad) and satisfaction. They are usually one of my go to’s to unwind and chill and a main factor in our date nights. I take a while to get in to box sets as they are so time consuming and I know I can get hooked and waste many an evening doing nothing but staying up late to watch “just one more episode”. But, in the past I have loved One Tree Hill, Suits (still working our way through season 5) and of course Gilmore Girls… Its no wonder then that I was rather excited to see it return to my life again via Netflix last summer and quickly bookmarked it for a time when I felt ready to watch back to back re runs, followed by the new season. I wanted to see the ones I’d missed way back when, see how it ends and how they have gone back to it – I actually couldn’t wait!

December was the perfect opportunity with wrapping gifts, packing bags and being so tired on an evening with all of my running around to tick off the first few seasons, and much to Mr Smiths dismay I again became hooked! I since have looked forward to the cold days indoors that come with January where I could curl up with my baby and a hot chocolate and catch up on more episodes. I decided over Christmas that I need to slow down a little more and at least once a week make the most of not having to be anywhere and just relax for maybe an afternoon – it would be good for my sanity and it would be something nice to take care of me before I am launched into the crawling and into everything baby stage.

I never anticipated that I would fall ill though and have that opportunity so soon. And whilst it was a burden to me and meant a rather boring week of doing not very much, I have had some lovely moments just laying in my PJs under the duvet (or wrapped in a blanket) with my snuggly little pal and watching hours of a much loved/fave TV series. I have been grateful for Mr Smith running the kids to school most of the week, grateful for little Alice being a snuggly baby (though breastfeeding when ill is rough), and especially grateful for having Netflix to give me something to do…hoping to resume normal life this week!

The Ordinary Moments


  1. Johnk816
    January 16, 2017 / 12:01 pm

    I really enjoy the blog post. Great. kkbdfdbceefd

  2. January 16, 2017 / 12:02 pm

    I went over this site and I conceive you have a lot of wonderful information, bookmarked . eckddbbedagedbgd

  3. January 16, 2017 / 7:57 pm

    So sorry you’ve been ill but look at the baby cuddles! LOVE that photo. You look gorgeous! I love Gilmore Girls and am up to season 7 too – I only started watching it in November/December and am hooked! I wish I’d known about it first time round x
    Donna recently posted…Living Arrows – 3/52 {2017}My Profile

  4. January 16, 2017 / 10:41 pm

    I’ve never watched Gilmore Girls but I have seen so many people rave about it. Sorry you’ve been feeling ill lovely thats not much fun, but yay for baby cuddles. Alice looks bigger there with her big beautiful eyes staring up. Hope you feel better soon. xx

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