#MyHeartyLife | 5

Yesterday morning I took Alice across to soft play in our neighbouring village and whilst super freezing cold, the sun was shining and it felt so good to get out after a week of being indoors resting from a heavy cold and feeling blah!

Our whole week has literally been spent at home, playing, resting and doing very little as I have felt unwell and just like my brain and body needed a break from everything normal! I of course did the school runs, made dinners and kept the home half decent, but I have just really felt ill and needed a break!

Aside from a few remains of a mega coldsore, I am doing well now.

Grateful for

I haven’t really cared much for January. Perhaps it’s the good ol “January Blues”, but either way I am so grateful to see the end of it and welcome a new month. I am grateful to see that the nights are getting a little bit lighter week on week and that we are having slightly warmer days here and there with some sunshine too! It makes me hopeful that Spring won’t be too far away and that is exciting that the world will soon come alive again.

I am most grateful thought this week that Nath and I took the plunge and booked a holiday to America in March! I might be chatting about this for the next few weeks, so sorry if it bores you, but I am just so so excited and thankful to be able to go back and see treasured places and friends in a few weeks. I am looking forward to the kids first experience of American life!

Succeeded at

My biggest success this week was baking a great cake for a get together with our neighbours on Saturday. I’ve never been the best of bakers and it was so fantastic to see how well it all came together and how nice it tasted too. It made me feel good and has really built my confidence to bake a little more here and there.

I also succeeded at getting Ethan to clean his room! Get out the trumpets and party poppers because this is the ultimate victory. We completely blitzed it and cleaned every inch! He is by far my messiest child and a real hoarder too, so I feel it the ultimate mum win this week to see his room so neat and clutter free and it makes me so calm!

Found Beauty in

Walking over to soft play always looks lovely as it’s a nice country walk, and yesterday didn’t fail to disappoint. After dropping the kids at school I decided to walk a different way and with the sun shining on the little village church, it just looked so beautiful – I had to stop and take a picture.

Blue skies, Winter sun and the historic stone of the church with its green church yard was possibly the biggest beauty of the week and I always feel so happy to live in such a charming place.

I think that Alice was so relieved to finally get out yesterday and be in a normal routine again (cabin fever comes to mind) and it was nice to have some fresh air and a good walk and talks with other mums and the childminding crew, (even if we did get caught in icy showers on the way home!). I say it all the time, but I love that all this is right on our doorstep now.

#MyHeartyLife Rules

You can link up one post a week that fits into either or all of the “Prompts”, and I ask that you at least comment on mine and one or 2 others too. Kindness costs nothing and a comment on your blog feels amaze!

Please use the #MyHeartyLife on Social media whenever to share the goodness and cheerful moments in your life that day! It might also help when summing up the week into a blog post to link up!


The Hearty Life


  1. February 2, 2018 / 8:37 pm

    Glad you’re feeling better and how fab to have a holiday to look forward to in just a few short months. My success this month was a cake too. I enjoy January as my son has his birthday then and once that’s out of the way it’s only a couple of weeks until mine. Looking forward to joining your #myheartylife linky :0)

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      February 13, 2018 / 8:42 pm

      Thank you Nicola! We are very excited! I am thank you x

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