#MyHeartyLife | 4

Aside from the gorgeous flurry of snow we had at the weekend, it hasn’t been the best of weeks. Nothing too major, just more of life (you know?) and probably a feeling of being done with January now! And so when you feel like that, it can be quite hard to remember the good things can’t it? I know I have struggled initially to remember them all, and so for that reason it is good, and has been good for me to find time to ponder and pick out what actually went well and worked out this week. As I have done this in preparation for this weeks update, I have found myself feeling thankful for the fact that I started this weekly update of goodness to remind me “It ain’t so bad” and that there is always something to smile about.

Grateful For…

A bit random but stay with me on this one. This week I am most grateful for Winter, and it meaning we wear big jumpers and puffy coats! On Tuesday (in attempt to be more a fun mum with the toddler) I took Alice on the train to the coast for some swimming. I wanted to take her there because they have little pools to paddle in, and slides, and all kinds of fun watery things!

Aside from the initial screaming her head off due to the ridiculously loud music from aqua aerobics, we had a great time! Then we got out, and then I realised – WE HAD NO TOWELS!!! There I was with a dripping wet, chilly tot and no towel to wrap her in! The absolute biggest mum fail (who goes swimming without towels?!). Thinking on my feet I stripped her off and wrapped her in my long sleeved Tshirt, and I “air dried” whilst getting her patted down and dressed!

Of course I was so grateful to put on a big jumper and coat as I no longer had my Tshirt! And I was especially grateful that I hadn’t got my hair wet!

Succeeded At…

My biggest success of the week is accomplishing my goal to cut out refined sugar and eat better! I started last Monday, (so we are now on day 12) and whilst initially it was so hard I am feeling so much better for it. I haven’t eaten any junk since then and have been able to lose 4lb so far which is fantastic. It feels such a great accomplishment because I think I am actually addicted to Sugar!

Found Beauty In…

I think the biggest beauty of the week was most definitely as a result of snow! We went across to Chorley on Saturday and as we passed over the snow covered Pennines, glaring at us in the morning sun, it was spectacularly beautiful. I wish we would have had time to stop to take some pictures because it really was gorgeous.

Then of course at the weekend, we had some proper snow here too and the village looked so lovely draped in a blanket of snow! I really do love snow, it’s such a pretty thing, and the kids go wild in it! I love how beautiful the world looks when clothed in it and how cosy life feels looking out on it.

I hope you have a lovely weekend… Feel free to join in below or on Instagram, and let me know what was good and beautiful about this week for you! There are always moments despite the stresses and worries!

#MyHeartyLife Rules

You can link up one post a week that fits into either or all of the “Prompts”, and I ask that you at least comment on mine and one or 2 others too. Kindness costs nothing and a comment on your blog feels amaze!

Please use the #MyHeartyLife on Social media whenever to share the goodness and cheerful moments in your life that day! It might also help when summing up the week into a blog post to link up!

The Hearty Life


  1. January 28, 2018 / 11:55 pm

    Hi Mary,

    Sounds like another lovely week. I put my hand up and admit not only did I once forget towels for us all but I made
    is all wear out costumes under our clothes and forgot our underwear. Oooops.

    The snow looks and sounds lovely. It’s been mainly just wet here. I finally managed to link up this week. Yay. Looking forward to reading and sharing every week.

    Cherie x

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      February 1, 2018 / 10:49 pm

      Hahaha no way! Oh my – mum life is nuts isn’t it? Thanks so much for linking, I look forward to getting to know you and your family through the coming weeks x x

  2. January 30, 2018 / 10:57 am

    I love this post and the idea of committing to a weekly post to reflect on what’s good, successful and beautiful in your life (signposted here by Mymamamusings :0). I hope to join in at some point and it’ll be a nice focus for getting me back into writing a bit more frequently.
    Oh and don’t worry, I’m a mum whose air dried while dressing a vest dried child after swimming too ;0)

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      February 1, 2018 / 10:34 pm

      Haha nice to know I’m not alone! What a nightmare lol Thank you for stopping by, and I do hope to see you again soon x

  3. January 31, 2018 / 1:19 am

    I started a monthly series of things that I’ve been grateful for and been thinking about starting a hashtag just like yours. Ironically, a commenter reached out and left me your link to this hashtag series and would love to join in. I thought it’s a sign that i should start my own as well but always enjoy helping other fellow bloggers as well.
    AND i also succeeded in cutting back on sugar for a good two weeks. I was ready to pull my hair out but I survived lol really enjoyed your blog.
    Would love to keep in contact. 🙂

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      February 1, 2018 / 10:47 pm

      I think if you want to start something then you should follow your heart… You are welcome to link here too though and share all of your positives and accomplishments, I love to hear what others are doing well and it sounds like you’re doing great! Thank you so much for your lovely words x

  4. February 1, 2018 / 10:59 pm

    I was that commentator. Seriously fallen in love with this hashtag so talking to everyone about it

  5. February 4, 2018 / 10:41 am

    Hi Mary, couldn’t agree more with you about loving how this linky encourages me to remember the good, small moments. Without it, I’d just remember it as yet another week in work. I am so pleased for you that you lost 4lbs! What a great achievement, it’s amazing how just cutting out some stuff can make a huge difference. Forgetting the towels sounds like something I would do, but good job on the improvisation! Can’t believe you’ve had snow up there again and yet I haven’t seen a single flake either here or where I work in Ormskirk! We are really not that far away!


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