Following what had been a lovely sunny and long bank holiday weekend (spent on the coast and submerged in the beauty of where we live), this week turned all rather dramatic really, with the focus being mostly on Mr Smith and his neck injury!
It all began on Tuesday, when on his way to work, someone went into the back of him at the bottom of a rather steep hill and consequently caused some damage to our car, and whiplash to his neck! We spent pretty much all day Wednesday at A&E in Hull, where after an initial consultation he was referred to the X-ray department. From here he was sent for an MRI, and then 7.5 hours later he was finally given the all clear to go home and rest (with painkillers). The remainder of the week saw me carrying on as normal, doing more of the driving, and ensuring his comfort.
Grateful For…
At the top of the list this week would be that I am truly grateful for the NHS – free healthcare and being able to get such good service is a huge blessing in life. Especially when my eyes were opened on our recent trip to America as to how much it would all be privately! With that I am also so incredibly grateful for a fit and health hubby who will have no long term damage! The whole A&E situation did have me concerned for a while that he possibly could have nerve damage, but thankfully it’s only a strain and with physio (starting this week) he is going to be just fine!!
I am also grateful for lots of sunshine, a bank holiday weekend, country walks with the family and lunch dates at the park!
Succeeded At…
Handing in my second unit for college. This one was all about the theories of counselling, and whilst rather interesting, I was relieved to see the back of it! I only have 3 more units and a case study to do before finishing my diploma at the end of June – all of which are significantly smaller than these first 2! I am hopeful I will pass, and as I have not completed anything academic in years, it is all rather exciting and feels great!
I also succeeded at doing an online shop! I’ve done them loads before and I prefer it purely because I know it’s usually cheaper and easier all round. I have said for a while we should just have our shopping delivered now to save time and keep us in budget. But then I often forget to do it and end up buying far too many extras when I head to LIDL, and I spend far too long browsing and just waste time! This week however I remembered, and yesterday our weekly shop came – later than hoped but complete and in budget nonetheless – Hoorah!
Found Beauty In…
On bank holiday Monday we enjoyed a lovely local hike with my parents and one of my sisters and her kids. It was about 5.5miles in total, and the whole thing was beautiful. It is in moments like that, when I am stood in wide open spaces illuminated by the sun, that I have to pause and catch my breath – always in complete awe and appreciation of how blessed we are to live in such a gorgeous corner of the country! We have been here almost a year now, and I am still amazed at how lovely our village and surrounding areas are – I feel thankful for the beauty all around me – It brings great joy to my soul!
So glad to hear Nathan was ok. Tense times hanging out in A&E! Congratulations on getting your unit done, I can’t imagine how you juggle mumming and studying. You’ll have such a double sense of achievement at the end.
That looked liked a lovely ramble on bank holiday x
This has reminded me how much I enjoyed writing myheartylife posts and how easily we slip out of a practice of gratitude. I think I may have to reinstate a monthly post!
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