#MyHeartyLife | 18

One of the things I love about being British is how excited we get for a bit of Sun! I have loved the prospect of not only a longer weekend for this “bank holiday weekend”, but the fact that we also have a great weather forecast too! Just yesterday we embraced it in true British style when we saw the blue skies and sunshine, and got our shorts and sandals on and headed to the coast for a family beach day. It turned out the coast didn’t get the memo of us wanting a nice warm beach day and with the cool coastal winds and plenty of whining from me and the kids that we were cold, we called it a day and headed home.

This week has been such a crazy kind of week with my TV appearance and a delayed trip to London, followed by the aftermath of emotions that come from sharing our story and the usual busy day to day stuff of family life. I really need to take some time out and rest from it all and process things. It was great and hard, and it has been good to see the results… but boy am I tired!

 Grateful For …

This week I am grateful for Channel 5 doing their piece on Stillbirth, and for being a part of that. I am grateful that despite the mega long delay, that I made it in the end to say something and join the panel of such brave and courageous parents!

I am also grateful for the yummy Mexican food we enjoyed yesterday for dinner – I tried a new recipe and it was really tasty! I am grateful for new friends in the village that I am loving getting to know, and finally for Nathan – who is always on my side and supporting me, and is such a wonderful husband and father. It makes me happy to be together on family outings and to look and see him and our children together having fun!

Succeeded At …

It didn’t feel like a success with the train issues getting in the way of things, but Nath said I most certainly did succeed at helping to raise awareness and share our story via channel 5’s “Stillbirth: Still a Taboo”. I need to get over the fact I missed the live portion (it might be next week’s success!). But we also successfully made it home again to Yorkshire with all of the delays/cancelled trains that met us at Kings Cross that night.

But aside from that chunk of the week taken up with trains, Tv and London, I also successfully got to college the following day despite feeling “meh”, and then got the kids to swimming on time and home again without missing the train on Thursday. I successfully made a mexican feast yesterday, and successfully ate a whole tub of Ben & Jerry’s too (hahaha)!

Found Beauty In…

Alice has started reaching for Megan whenever she is sad or afraid, and then wraps her arms around Megs for a big sisterly hug. It is so gorgeous to see and brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw her do it. They have a beautiful little bond and I love how Alice is wanting to be with Megs more and more.

So yes – Sisterly hugs at the park and home, pink blossom trees, and the kids engrossed in playing at the beach together yesterday were all the things I found beauty in this week. With high emotions and feeling “meh” it was nice to see these special things around me!

I hope you have a fab bank holiday, and let’s hope that sun keeps shining so that in true British style we can crack the BBQ’s out and flock to the seaside!

1 Comment

  1. May 8, 2018 / 9:11 pm

    Ah I love this Mary and I am so sorry you were faced with train delays when you went to London. All of the women, and yourself were incredibly brave for sharing your stories. Plus you totally rocked that orange dress xx
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