This week has been all about the sales, and one of those where my diary was pretty bare on Monday, and yet each day has been busy busy with fun and lovely things, adventures and chats. The highlight for Alice was when her best-mate cousin (the only one her height and age so of course instant buddy) showed up on Tuesday and together we all (myself, Grandma and some of my sister in laws and kids) ended up having a cheeky pizza express lunch out. It was great, tasty, and a final opportunity to hang out with our newest of Nephews, little “Wesley” before he went back home after a few days visit with mummy to see us all! This was also a rather bargainous visit as students get 40% off on Tuesday’s (maybe Wednesday’s too) with an NUS card – so if you know any students take them along like we do!!!!
Wednesday we enjoyed a lovely visit to the seaside again, but this time to meet up with my longest of friends from School. Last year she too had a baby girl (her first), and now that we are back in the area, we have high hopes of them being friends for life too! She is one of those of people that no matter how much time passes or what path life takes you on, you always just pick up and it feels like yesterday! I always enjoying talking with her because its chilled and she has known me for so long I can say anything without judgement. The sun wasn’t what we hoped but a great day despite.
You may have noticed that most places have their mid-season sales on now, and this weeks bargs are mostly a result of having a “quick look”!
Zara Sale
On Thursday the Zara Sale started. If you love Zara then you will understand why this is so exciting. I had no plans so my youngest of sister in law’s drove me to school with the kids and then we headed into Hull to have a nosy! It was absolutely packed and there were so many lovely things. Some stuff is reduced a lot, others only a few pounds, but its definitely worth scouting out!
I tried on so many things and really wanted to buy some culottes but they just don’t look good with my sparrow legs! In the end I just bought a gorgeous striped number with embroided detail on the shoulder. Its a good all rounder and was £9.99 from £15.95. Stripes and colour – very me! I will probably go back again in a couple of weeks for one last look as they usually lower it all again then…of course there is always the risk of your size not being there.
Tesco Sale
Again another clothing sale, this time Tesco. They too have some lovely things in at the moment and I was pleased to find me a white top with frill bottom for £3 from £10. I like it because it’s dressy but also chill.
Sliders are everywhere at the moment and most useful for being at the pool (holiday’s of course) and beach. I was still undecided whether or not I wanted to embrace this trend, but when I saw some awesome hologram Schuh ones for £3.50 in the charity shop on Saturday I had to have them.
They were incredibly comfy and useful at the beach over the weekend, and are most definitely my most comfiest shoe! I wear them most days and are convenient to pop on in the garden too.
Finally with being at Grandma’s, we are fortunate to be able to have access to her vegetable garden. We haven’t had to buy strawberries this week as she has loads for the taking – ripe and ready! The kids love picking them and they’ve been lovely with Greek Yogurt…So yes, I’d say that that is the ultimate frugality of the week (and you can’t get fresher than garden to bowl in 2 mins)!!