After a lovely trip up to Harrogate on Tuesday with Alice, to speak at a bereavement care training, yesterday left me feeling rather deflated. I realise that as much I love to raise awareness and talk about my baby girl, the emotions it resurfaces are always hard to take on. It isn’t so much as to stop me doing it, I never could I don’t think, but it is something to be aware of…it really takes it out of you.
This week has been very simple and so I have been grateful for the lovely sunshine and evenings hanging at the park with the kids and their school friends.

Harrogate bargs
There is certainly something rather exciting about visiting charity shops in a posh place! I don’t know about you but I always feel (on the whole) that the quality of donations is somehow a little better and it’s a little more exciting. I know the past I have even arranged with friends to do the charity shops in a more upmarket location haha!
In this situation I was there anyway and was done with my duties by 11.30, so figured after a heavy morning I not only deserved a treat (sushi from boots) but a little bit of retail therapy too. I was not disappointed either. I picked up the Lion King and Bambi for £1.50 each, and Ethan an Autumn/Winter coat for this year (aged 7) which was originally from Next and was just £3.50. It’s in excellent condition, thick and cosy, and the ultimate bargain to put away.
Charity Shop Haul
From Harrogate to our local town, I had a another sneaky visit to the charity shops yesterday. When I’ve little to do and few people to see I often find myself just popping around town and checking things out.
Yesterday I wasn’t on the hunt for anything, it was more just being nosy, passing time and getting Alice to sleep. But it usually in these situations that you find a few Gems. I was pleased to get myself a cool denim dungarees dress for 2.99 and a fab mustard sweatshirt again for only 2.99. Both bargains, my style and just lovely.
Next I got Ethan a couple of pairs of shorts for 1.50 and 1.99, He goes through clothes like no other and as always has had a big growth spurt since last summer. On the way out I spotted for Megs a lovely Russian doll print dress for 1.99 and so snapped that one up too!
Finally I found Ethan a funky red and white striped duvet set in immaculate condition for £3.99. He LOVES the colour red and has high hopes for a red bedroom in the new house. I am not one to buy second hand bedding usually but this one was so good and so him, I couldn’t not at that price.
Spring Onions
This week I saved money on spring onions for our salads by re-sprouting them. It is a really simple way to save some money as the bits with roots that we chopped off were placed in a cup of water and a week later we had new spring onions. FOR FREE!!! I love them at this time of year.
Ice creams at the park
The only down side to sunny days and after school park hangouts is that the kids whine like no other for an ice cream – Every.Single.Time. The ice cream van sits there tempting them, and annoying me, and so to avoid spending at least a fiver on tacky Ice Creams, I took them an Ice cream out of the freezer from home to cut back on the pounds. They scoffed it coming out of school and loved it… Tasty and cheap, and eliminated the whines!
I believe as is true with England, the weather is set to rain this weekend, which is a bit of a let down with the lovely sunshine! Have a great weekend and enjoy it – whatever the weather chooses to do!

Just found this! I would love to join in on Friday! Can you add me to your reminder list, if you have on! I’m @petitelibrary Twitter OR
AND thank you for the lovely comment about my instagram post, really lovely. Look forward to communicating again soon!
Petite x