Frugal Friday #14 – “Make do & Mend”, Reductions and Leftover Lunches

This week I have been mostly housebound with a spotty, chicken poxy baby! As a result I haven’t had huge opportunities to get out and hunt for the bargs! Frugal living is a way of life though, and whether in or out, there are always thrifty choices to make.

“Make do & Mend”

The phrase “Make do & Mend” to the younger me used to stir feelings of missing out and being cheap. To the adult thrifty me, I love it. I love that I can sew, and I love that I can see passed a rip or hole and make something wearable again. Make do and mending means saving money and living less in the trap of disposable fashion… though I do love Primark still!!

This week I mended a sweatshirt, blouse and summer trousers, and am excited to have them back in my wardrobe! I still have some trousers of Nathans and a dress to mend – saving the pennies!

Left Over Lunches

Another way I have cut down on spending and food shopping this week has been to eat leftovers for my lunch. It’s so easy (and tasty) to fall into the trap of buying lunch for convenienve when out and about, and I often do. I see it as a little treat for myself but those 2 and 3 pounds a pot soon add up!

This week at home I have enjoyed Tuna salad with the salad left from dinner, Beef stew from Sundays dinner and Chicken fajita salad from dinner the other night… it was all GORGEOUS!


I always love a good haul from the reduction section of the supermarket. These days it seems to be luck as opposed to pre-planned back in the day. On one stint I picked up yogurt drinks for 50p (12), fresh juice for 65p and fresh tortellini for 55p. On another it was asparagus for 20p each, courgetti for 5p, kid soups 10p, and a tex mex dip for 10p! Bargain!

1 Comment

  1. May 10, 2017 / 8:27 pm

    The thrill that runs through you when you get a supermarket bargain. We got 2 meals which would have been a total of £6 for 18p last Sunday in Morrisons. Sounds as if you have had a good frugal week despite poor Alice suffering with the nasty chicken pox
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