Friday Night Films with the Hubs

Its no secret to those that know us that almost every Friday night Nath and I can be found snuggled on the sofa, delicious food, some treats and a film! Friday night is “date night” and we do all we can to keep it as such and enjoy time together.
We are not ones to have expensive taste; we “splashed out” on our current humble flat screen TV when we moved into this house almost 5 years ago and it does the job, and then more recently we subscribed to Netflix. We hook up the laptop and we’re away! But more recently, and as we look forward to Nath graduating, he will occasionally mention to me his desire for something a little more beefy and up to date – he has his eye on a Panasonic 4k TV which apparently is sharper, bigger and will make life and Friday night date nights so much better! Its funny that isn’t it, because when I mention ordering season 4 of Suits (my new addiction in TV) from Amazon for a measly £15 he pretends he hasn’t heard me…what a joker! The deal therefore is if he gets a mint grad job, he can reward himself with a new screen, but it is out of my control if Suits magically appears on the doormat one day…
different dreamsSince having kids and the sudden climb in cinema tickets this is something that just works for us. I often wonder though if with what we have saved on babysitters and cinema tickets over the last couple of years if we could actually afford a TV upgrade?! (don’t tell Mr Smith) But nevertheless I digress – we enjoy having our feet up, dreaming of a future where we don’t have to consult and evaluate on every purchase but that we can maybe indulge in the odd new gadget or box set every now and then! For now our Friday night film nights together keep us to budget and helps us chill out and reconnect after mental weeks… We have enjoyed watching films and documentaries together since we were friends, it continued whilst we dated and now it it is our norm and love, it is something we look forward to and I often say to Nathan that I hope in 30 years time we still do this together because it make me so happy!
WP_20150718_18_51_35_ProLatest Friday Night Films List with the Hubs:
*Insurgent – Didn’t enjoy it as much as the 1st but it was good and led us to taking an on line test about which faction we would be in…good times!
*Suits Seasons 1 -3 – Watched this over several week and we absolutely loved it, and were hooked, it went beyond Friday nights as was captivating and funny and a good balance of everything…now for that number 4!
*The Best of Me – Funny, romantic and emotional…we actually both loved it because it was one of those where you had no idea what was going to happen!
*Left Behind – A random one on Netflix, it was aright…a little far fetched but good suspense, a little comedy here and there and a lot of curiosity about where it was heading.
* The Help – Seen it before but I absolutely love it. Such a sad yet inspiring story.
*The Guilt Trip – Pretty funny, nothing too serious but some good laughs to be had and a good story line idea.

The List

This post was sponsored by Share It Quick. All thoughts and opinions are my own


  1. October 3, 2015 / 4:45 pm

    I’ve watched The Help, it’s excellent. I haven’t seen Insurgent – I’ve read all the books and was disappointed with the film version of Divergent so probably won’t bother…do love a good film xx #TheList

  2. October 3, 2015 / 6:15 pm

    I totally hear you with the Suits addiction (how fit is Harvey lol). My hubby came home with season 4 on DVD from Asda a few weeks back. BEST present ever. If you were nearer you could have borrowed it x

    • October 4, 2015 / 3:58 pm

      Oh Tracey if only we lived closer haha we could hang and watch it too. I think im just going to treat myself ya know haha x

  3. You Baby Me Mummy
    October 7, 2015 / 8:48 pm

    Ooh I love Suits, but I am a couple of series behind! NEED to catch up somehow. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

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