Like many places across the country today, we are ending February on a rather snowy note! The village looks gorgeous dressed in white, and we have already had a really good walk across the fields, kitted out in all of our snow gear. I never tire of living here and the kids are excited to the max to be able to run free in snowy fields before school!
I have really fallen in love wih snow (especially now I have the right attire) and have been hoping for a decent covering since November time, so this morning, when we woke up to lots more snow on top of yesterday’s dusting I was super pleased too! Thanks to this “big freeze” our wish for “proper snow” has finally come true, and with the later school opening time, it’s turned out to be a great last day of the month for us all.
Our pictures this month (bar 1 on the cliffes) were taken a couple of weeks ago in the grounds of our Temple in Chorely! We had an overnight stay at a nearby hotel and then spent the day there. We go rather regularly and it’s a very significant and special place for us as Mormons! On this day though I wanted to remember that with every picture we took, the kids left a space for “Poppy”! I have one of the 3 of them on their own with a gap for her, and then these family ones took me by surprise afterwards when I came to edit them, because I noticed Alice had automatically left a space too like they had been doing earlier!
They might just be a few quick, imperfect and crazy family pictures, but the space reminds me how missed Poppy is, and how special my little ones are. They are taken in a place that reminds me we have a hope of being a forever family!
It wasn’t until I sat down to write this family update for February that I realised we’ve actually had some really hearty moments this month. I thought I would be scratching my head, trying to come up with things as all I could remember was lots of rainy days and dull moments! Instead I am struggling to fit in all we have done and enjoyed together in the shortest month of the year!
The snow these last couple of days is obviously a highlight for the kids, as is us all going to see “The Greatest Showman” on Monday evening for our family night (and we haven’t stopped singing and dancing since). But we’ve also had the adventures of half term, a Valentines date to see “Coco” with the kids and their cousins, and then our cliff top walk last week. A soft play visit (wahhh) and a London visit for Ethan and I at the beginning of the month to see Pinocchio! For such a short month, February has given us a lot!
This month I have noted a huge change in Alice and she has us all laughing on a daily basis – she is so funny! Her vocab is increasing daily, as is her thoughtfulness, hysterical laughter and ability to follow instructions. She is still rather clingy (mostly with Nathan) but her little singing voice and snuggles are just the best, and as she gets older I am enjoying more and more our days together.
Megan is loving her weekly Rainbows group and has moved up a reading level too which is just great. Ethan has quit Judo this month as he realised he “doesn’t like fighting” after all! Which I was fine about as our rule is that you must try it for a term before making any rash decisions. He’s been doing it since September and at first I imagined he would be doing it for years, but the less games and more real “fighting” they have done, he has become increasingly uncomfortable with it, to the point that he didn’t want to go. Instead he wants to pursue music, so we’re currently just looking into guitar lessons and piano for him.
Ethan has also turned a corner from being the messiest child in the house to the cleanest! He has been cleaning his room all month as I said he could get a new disco light if he did… it’s a huge shock he has kept it up, but I certainly admire his determination and persistence for something he so desperately wants. I am proud he has kept to his side of the deal and it’s great to see the effort and enthusiasm to clean his room.. the Hoover is out every week and it’s wonderful to walk passed daily and see it neat and tidy, as oppose to the tat and dirty socks everywhere!
The 2 of us (Ethan and I), had a lovely trip to London at the beginning of the month and since then we have had a really good February – we have done loads, and whilst moments have been very trying, we have had some really lovely moments for our family. But of course we can’t get to the end of February and not look forward to what is coming our way in March. We are now officially into our 3 week countdown to our USA trip and are ecstatic! I have lots of chocolate to buy for our friends, and a few Summer style clothes for our ever growing kids, but other than that it’s a matter of counting down the days, packing, and looking forward to lots and lots of amazing adventures coming our way!

In February we are grateful for
*The Joyfullness of “The Greatest Showman” soundtrack
*Seeing friends in Leeds

Ah it is so lovely that you have embraced the snow, I do love the excitement it brings and with the right attire like you say can be so much fun! x
Laura | Little Ladies Big World recently posted…Me And Mine – February 2018
Oh these are so lovely. That dress is gorgeous on you too. Off topic but had to be said. Looks like you still got some adventures in all this crazy weather we have been having. I am desperate for spring pronto now. lol Sorry for late commenting catching up today. š #meandmineproejct
Lovely photos, Iām looking forward to getting to know everyone doing the me and mine project.