Last year I lost a tonne of weight pretty quickly by switching our habits to “Clean eating”. Many people asked why I was on a diet? and had to clarify that Clean eating is not a diet but lifestyle change, it was introduced to me by some of my inlaws and involves eating better food options that are fresher and more natural to help your body be more lean and energized. This book became my food bible and its brill:
You can enjoy a treat once a week and not feel guilty, though to be honest the more you get into adopting this lifestyle the more balanced and wise your decisions become. When I first started out on it I was VERY strict for 4 weeks, no carbs, no gluten , dairy and no sugar. After that I introduced a few better than before options, so we went back to some pasta and rice but went for brown instead of white as with wraps. Feta and mozzarella instead of cheddar and the occasional potatoes too in a roast or jacket form 🙂 YUM! So pre pregnancy I felt I had an excellent balance of what I ate, and this became our lifestyle and natural choices and as a result I hovered around the 138lb mark as what I ate didn’t cling onto me as FAT…
I have tried super hard this week to focus on food and change what I eat. It has been HARD! Not because I don’t enjoy healthy foods, as I said I really do, but I haven’t had the energy to cook from scratch, and make the right things…a frozen pizza or ready made lasagna is far easier when you can’t function and things haven’t really tasted right either when I have tried. I think our family are lucky to have eaten at all but unfortunately for Dominos and Asda bakery our money is going to be spent else where as I am ready now and focused on eating clean again and always!
Im changing it gradually over a couple of weeks as I am still very much in a state of grief and personally know if I go strict straight away I will be set up for failure. I’ve swapped jars for home made sauces, pizza for wolemeal pitta pizza, white pasta/rice for brown, cows milk for coconut or rice, cereal for porridge oats and cutting out sugar Monday to Friday.
Some of my fave meals this week
- Wholemeal pitta with red pesto, red onion, tomato and mozzerella with salad
- Mushroom rice with salad
- Wholewheat spagghetti with homemade quorn/tomato sauce
- Tuna steak, sweet potato mash and green beans
To be honest from what I learnt last year is that for my family being that strict isn’t realistic for us – what I love about the book is that it has “bad, better, best” tables and as long as our meals fall into ‘better or best’ im happy and maintain a good physique, what I have on my side this time is that I am also in a good exercise regime too!
These small changes to my lifestyle have meant I have lost 1.5lbs and am now at 165lb – I’m pretty confident that as I maintain these eating habits, the weight WILL drop off.