Bye Bye Baby Bulge Week 4

This week has been more about the inches and not the pounds!  Its been one of those weeks when I just wanted to chuck the ruddy scales out of the window when they revealed I’d lost nothing..yup still the same…a big fat zero off my weight..pffffttttt

I admit when I started out on this crusade to battle the baby bulge that I failed to remember getting trim and loosing fat doesn’t always mean loosing pounds straight away. I remembered a great piece I read on my sister in laws blog a while back that not only summed up my own feelings of baby weight generally but also some interesting points on fat and weight loss. My weekly box fit class includes cardio and free weights and lots of belly laughs at my lack of ability in some areas, and whilst I come out hardly being able to move I can see the difference it is already beginning to make at toning up the bulge.

I know I can deffs be improving on my eating habits, turning 30 hasn’t helped -we all want some guilt free treats on our birthdays right?? Well I probably took it to the extreme as I usually do when it comes to food; several meals out, birthday cake and chocolate galore but thankfully my non maternity jeans are still more comfortable & my belly flatter. I hope this week I can do better with healthy eating now my birthday is over…


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