A Victim to the flu

This last week I have very much like Katy Perry – hot and cold, saying “yes” and then having to say “No” , up and then down (out of bed) and out and then back in again…all because I felt like absolute rubbish when I fell victim to the flu! I have been rested up in bed feeling like iv’e been ran over, cancelling plans, doing very minimal things and realising that day to day activities are nigh impossible with this virus!
WP_20150927_13_14_31_ProYes good old influenza hit me and it hit me bad…I actually cried a little with all of the pain I was in (more than once) and unfortunately even the over counter painkillers the Dr suggested to me didn’t ease it very much at all. It started off last Sunday evening with body aches and a killer headache, which I assumed by my dates was good ol mother nature…several days later of needing naps from feeling exhausted, I was still swamped with intense pain, dizzy spells and an awful headache…the Dr confirmed it was “flu”. I have tried each day since to get up and do stuff but soon find myself back in hoodies and Pjs whining about how rough I was feeling.
WP_20150926_15_01_09_ProBeing an Asthmatic it is always a concern at times like this that the virus will make the situation more serious, and I thought that as I was over the worst of it (6 days), existing health problems wouldn’t be upset. But, lo and behold Saturday night I started wheezing and feeling tightness in my chest – by Sunday the tightness was still a problem and breathing was compromised to the point it was affecting my sleep…gutted! It turns out I wasn’t over the worst, but that it was only just beginning and I have had to endure a few more days of pain, aches, chills, sweating, banging head, tight chest, cough and general feeling of nastiness!I saw someone at the hospital yesterday and they prescribed a course of Steroids and a new inhaler to get me through…I’m hoping things will start to ease up now.

Mr Smith captured the moment.. "just in case you wanted to blog about it" haha I felt awful here; cold, aches and pain in my chest
Mr Smith captured the moment.. “just in case you wanted to blog about it” haha I felt awful here; cold, aches and pain in my chest

The annoying thing about being so ill is all of the stuff that doesn’t get done…work, home and days out with Megsie being the main ones and so as I have spent a good chunk of this last week in bed “resting” (blogging, twitter, pinterest, Netflix), my house has suffered and looks a little unkempt and well chaotic. You know yourself when you are queen bee in the home that when you get sick, the stuff you would have tidied is still sat there, floors would have been swept after EVERY meal, laundry would be away by now, but you look around and see that its not and I get uneasy about resting when I know stuff needs doing. Credit where its due though, Mr Smith has  done a grand job of keeping on top of everything major and has kept the washing up down and laundry hung up to dry. He has looked out for me with snuggles, letting me rest and fluids, painkillers and treats and has entertained the kids/done the odd school runs, which I have to say has been a surprise but great bonus of being married to a full time student. I really have seen it a blessing to have such a willing, helpful soul as my husband and that he tries so hard to look after us all.
InstagramCapture_93515a26-ea1c-429f-bfb0-9520f00a151eI hope that I will soon be back on my feet and able to blitz the house, do my DIY, make good meals and have fun with the family and take Megs to the farm like I promised – you certainly miss good health when its gone!


  1. September 29, 2015 / 9:43 am

    Oh no you poor thing! That sounds awful. I’ve not had real flu once and really thought I was going to die it made me feel so hideous. Have you had the flu vaccine? Ours are booked in for next week. Hope you feel better soon x

    • September 29, 2015 / 2:31 pm

      Its horrid Becky it really is! I was in so much pain last week even lying still was agonising. I haven’t yet had my vaccine, but its ironic as I got the letter for it the morning I was at the DRs getting diagnosed with “the flu” so yeah – I suppose I should get it when Im better so as to not pick it up again! x

      • September 29, 2015 / 3:54 pm

        Oh yes you should, I get the vaccine every year now and so far haven’t had it. Xx

  2. September 29, 2015 / 5:57 pm

    Aw Mary it sounds like you have had a horrid bout of the proper flu. Really hope you manage to rest and get back on your feet soon. And well done to hubby for being a star looking after you and the kids x

    • September 30, 2015 / 10:28 am

      Thanks Tracey – Yes I certainly have. Day 10 and I actually feel a little brighter. Not taking any risks so a day in bed with lemsips and lots of hope it will knock it out of me x

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