This November is the big ‘3-0’ for me!I love birthdays…for me they should be ‘birth-weeks’ because I really do try to stretch it out for at least a week of celebrating! But this one does make me slightly nervous, I don’t know why, probs because im getting old!!! But with today being the 30th I am reminded that it is fast approaching.
On my 29th I had this mad panic that I’d lived almost 30 years and barley accomplished much and so after some searching on Pinterest (of course) I came across the idea of “30 before 30” – a bucket list to complete before hitting your 30’s. Along with the goals I set myself to accomplish this year I also decided to list 29 things id done before 29..i’m so glad I did because I realized all the amazing things I had done with my life so far and it really was a boost (try it), things like falling in love, getting married and having 2 kids, flying planes in the RAF (I was a cadet not it the air force), shot Army rifles, Traveling (Some of Europe, Mexico, USA),Mountain climbing, overcoming depression, Festivals and concerts, various qualifications and a few more personal things, but overall I felt life had so many adventures that I had already experienced and many more to come.
So.. 30 BEFORE 30:
- Finish my Hairdressing course
- Be debt free
- Host a posh dinner party
- Watch a classic series of films
Start a blog- Learn the art of Indian cooking
- Take a new dance / exercise class (for a term)
See a west end production- Eat an Animal ive never eaten before
- Sleep under the stars
Visit the Natural history & British museum (Hello London trip)- Visit a new country
- Milk a cow
Get Legs waxed- Have a spray Tan
- Breakfast on the beach / sunrise with Nath
- Camping with the Kids
- Start a collection – Christmas plates
- Watch 5 films from 1984
- Take a make up class
- See Auschwitz
- Start a business
- Start Personal History / project life
- Swim in 2 different seas in the same day
Organize an activity for churchBe preggers or have had #3- 30 Acts of random kindness
- Complete the National 3 peaks
Do something embarrassing- (Spiritual goal)
I was so excited about these goals and felt i’d finally be a ‘real woman’ haha as each one had purpose – help me better myself, help others, see some more of this amazing world , do a couple of random things and learn some domestic goddess skills, overall have a crazy fun last year of my twenties!! As you can see ive already accomplished a few (whooop check me – its been fun).
However what I didn’t expect was that this year of life would also throw at me probably one of the hardest challenges yet – expecting a baby with CHD and uncertainty from birth. Obviously this has also taught us to live and try to enjoy life to the full but I have found it hard that what I was hoping to experience this year probably cannot happen. My time in which to accomplish these is less as from September we are likely to be in hospital for AGES and I obviously cannot travel as far as I hoped in case I go into preterm labour and are not near a hospital equipped to deal with her problems. So rather than feeling like a failure I look at it as a temporary sacrifice, ive moved some onto my life ‘bucket list’ (I will do them one day) and instead combined some of them into a “Summer bucket List” that we can all enjoy, we are determined this summer to do so many fun things, have so many new adventures and laugh and have a generally mint time as a family as we know that as the summer ends we all have a big mountain to climb and our lives will be a challenge and we will have to be apart at times. So as we hit July tomorrow we look forward to a mint couple of months together, fingers crossed for lots of sunshine…
What can you do to live life to the full this summer? Make it count!