The Waiting Game

The doctors have told me for the last 6 weeks that Poppy would be early – I’ve had a lot of fluid, she has a syndrome blah blah blah im 39+ weeks and im STILL waiting! Ive been waiting for weeks and NOTHING IS HAPPENING!

Under normal circumstances this waiting period would be spent sorting baby clothes, building cribs/travel systems, triple checking you have everything and ‘nesting’! This isn’t very normal though, we don’t know if shes going to make it to birth, survive delivery or ever come home and we dont have any of those things bought or set up because we don’t want the emotional pain of having to ‘get rid’ -The cot is still in pieces from when Megs moved out of it and we have the smallest box containing a handful of vests, baby grows and outfits under our bed “if we need it” ! I could sit around literally waiting or I could keep busy, have fun and make the most of life with Ethan and Megan before Poppies grand arrival!
So here’s what I HAVE been doing to pass the time as we await labour and delivery:

In pursuit of becoming a domestic goddess I spent some time this week Baking . Firstly Banana bread after getting a huge bag from the market for £1 (WHAT A BARG!!!) and then a blackberry and Raspberry crumble with freshly picked blackberries with our own little hands – the kids were sure to eat plenty too. Nathan always seems in shock when I bake – maybe I should do it a little more

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My parents have been staying with us for a few days in anticipation of Miss Poppy, everyone was sure she would be here now, but unfortunately their visit was a little premature so we went on lots of walks and adventures to try kick start things! 5miles around Leeds city centre/train ride and 3miles around Roundhey park – both exhausting days, fun and to no avail.
The kids had a mint time on the train and exploring the city and then on the parks , picking blackberries and fighting over who would walk “gangmas dog”. Its always great to have family time, chats and seeing the kids having fun with no time limit on the day. Although Ii was slightly disappointed that I ended up trashed with dead legs from all the walking and no baby on its way I was so glad of the fun we had and seeing their jolly little faces having fun with their Grandma and Granddad.



















I’ve tried almost everything to no avail! We need no details here but curries, walks etc


It looks like she’s keeping us waiting and will be with us in her own sweet time, the more I think of her the more I feel shes so much like miss Megs “independent diva” type. I do worry that the increase of still birth goes up the longer I carry her but I hope that it just means this longer wait is because she is becoming stronger for life on the outside. I’m grateful for family fun and laughs and living in a place where we have so many great places to visit, they’ve all taken my mind off the impending labour and any other worries of whats in store afterwards. Its definitely easier to remain positive when you’re having fun together and when shes already proving the Drs wrong with her strength and later arrival, it brings us all a little more hope that other predictions could be off 🙂


  1. Judith
    September 11, 2014 / 8:55 pm

    God is good Mary… He knows how you feel and we know that He won’t leave your side…

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