Thrifty Wife, Hearty Life | 5 under £5 (March)

There are a couple of blogs that I love to read that take an opportunity each month to showcase 5 things they have got recently for under £5. As I read them they really make me smile… I just love to see others too be excited for little bargains that crop up in life and then I realised how much this barganeous way of thinking was right up my street, so this week (and once a month here after) I will be joining them and showing off what lovely delights I have picked up for under a fiver each too!

So without further ado here are mine.
1. Some Daffodils – I am really fond of fresh flowers in the home, they brighten it and lifet my mood. I like especially if they carry the added bonus of being seasonal, so when in Morrisons the other day grabbing a few forgotten extras (you know how it is) I spotted a lonely bunch in a bucket for just £1…Fresh, spring, yellowy daffs for £1…and by the next morning they had all opened up to greet us. Happiness in a vase!
InstagramCapture_208cc0b8-79a4-4443-9c99-0f77eb734f5f2. A pair of Nike trainers for Megsie – Megs is very active and also loves her weekly street dance class and so a pair of trainers are an essential in her wardrobe, however she grows so fast and now at 3.5 years old she is already in a size 10 and so was in need of a new pair. As soon as I saw these in the charity shop for £2.50 we had to have them and I couldn’t believe my luck!

3. Cops and Robbers book – This is one of my old time faves from primary school, I don’t know why, but I just love it. I snapped it up last month in a charity shop also for just 49p and it has quickly become popular with the kids at bedtime too…Happy days!

4. Mini Cacti for our room – I fell in love with these as soon as I saw them last week in Ikea and I had to have them both. The red one was £2 and the yellowy one £2.50. They really add a lot to our room sat on the fire place and I particularly love the heart shaped one… such a lovely little touch for £4.50.WP_20160302_15_29_47_Pro5. Fabric for a cushion – Again I picked this up in Ikea for just £3.60. I absolutely love the pattern and colours and it is what I imagined in our room when I thought of kitting it out in teal and red. Its so beautiful and will make the perfect cushion cover for our bed! I’m tempted to make a pair of curtains too…
So there are my choices for this month that sum up my bargainous lifestyle in pursuit to make my home and kids a little more lovely as we head into spring!

Linking up with Julia from Rainbeaubelle


  1. March 5, 2016 / 9:59 am

    Thanks so much for joining in! I love daffodils and always have a bunch at home at the moment to make me smile! I have a little heart shaped cactus like that too, it’s fab isn’t it? Can’t beat a trip to IKEA! Xx

  2. March 5, 2016 / 1:38 pm

    I love cops and robbers, great charity shop find!

  3. March 5, 2016 / 8:14 pm

    I love Julia’s linky and I am going to join in this month. It seems Cacti are everywhere at the moment and I keep meaning to buy some. I love that pattern too, so funky and bright and well done on picking up the fab trainers from the charity shop x

  4. March 5, 2016 / 9:05 pm

    You can´t go wrong with Ikea, right 😉 I bought a cactus there as well.

  5. March 6, 2016 / 9:13 am

    The heart shaped cactus is so cute. I’m not good with indoor plants but perhaps a cactus is the way forward!

  6. March 6, 2016 / 4:51 pm

    Yay, it is my first time joining in with Julia’s linky too. I love that fabric. It is stunning and will be perfect for a cushion cover. And those Nike trainers from the charity shop are an amazing bargain. Why can I never find anything like this when I go shopping in charity shops? Daffodils in the house at this time of year are a must. It is like bringing sunshine into the house. #Fiveunder5. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  7. March 7, 2016 / 9:12 pm

    I love the fabric you found and think it would look great as curtains. The trainers are a real find, what a bargain! Even the ones I mention in my blog post were £11.99. A good alternative when you are not so lucky in the charity shop?

  8. March 8, 2016 / 9:34 am

    You can’t beat some daffodils at this time of year! I’m like you and seem to pick them up when I’m doing a quick shop and they always looks so bright and colourful at home. Always love your charity shop finds, I used to love Cops and Robbers too 🙂 xx #fiveunder5

  9. March 8, 2016 / 3:56 pm

    I love daffodils they make me smile and at just a £1 I can justify buying them for every room. Love the cactus although I’m not great with plants. Some lovely little bargains xx

  10. March 12, 2016 / 8:58 pm

    Ohhhh I love the cactus! Love your charity shop bargains too. 49p for cops and robbers…lucky you 🙂

  11. March 13, 2016 / 12:00 pm

    Daffodils are my favourite flowers, they make me so happy! Also love that fabric, such a gorgeous print X #fiveunder£5

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