Pamper Party Bags for (just over) £2 each

Last month Megan turned 9 and as she had missed having a party last year (no need to mention why ay?) we took the chance this year instead to throw her a small do for her 9th Birthday – complete with a homemade cake and some rather lovely but budget friendly party bags! After very little contemplation, she opted for a few girlfriends to have a hot tub party and do pizza making at her Grandma’s house…and thankfully grandma was kind enough to oblige. So off the 6 of them went (all cruising with pop tunes in our car) to grandmas to use the hot tub and then make pizzas in the outdoor pizza oven.

It was both a riot and lots of fun!

I noticed that suddenly with this leap nearer double figures, the usual party bags we make up for friends didn’t quite cut it (or really go along with the theme either). So I had the idea to make up little pamper bags for them. Her 5 friends were over the moon to leave with a classy little pamper party bag, and I was delighted that they had only cost a couple of quid each and would be way more useful than a plastic whistle or pound shop tat we usually opt for in them!

Pamper Party Bags for £2 each

All of the contents in these bags was bought from Home bargains and the colourful paper bags were sourced from B&M.

Bath bombs were 59p each, Face mask were 69p each, Chocolate bars were 3 for £1, the love heart sweets 4 for £1 and lollies 20p each. The bags were 10 for £2 (I used 5 – so 20p each) and then of course a slab of homemade lemon drizzle birthday cake to top them off! Total cost about £2.20 each

As I say, each girl was so excited (making plans on the way home of a soak in the tub with their bath bomb and face mask) and appreciated the more “grown up” party bag offerings! It really doesn’t need to cost much or take a huge amount of effort to rustle up cute pamper party bags for your kids party… you could always add in a little ring, nail varnish or lip balm too!

Whether it is a pamper party, sleepover, paddling pool or hot tub party, something like this is sure to be a winner for guests!


  1. July 9, 2021 / 9:18 pm

    Aww! How lovely and what fab party bags. Perfect for older kids. x

  2. July 9, 2021 / 9:47 pm

    These are absolutely fantastic!

    Danielle |

  3. September 22, 2021 / 6:24 am

    “An amazing article on your Website.
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