My Best Bargains of July (2021)

I love a good bargain (as you know) and have decided going forward to share the best of them monthly with you again. I am hopeful that by doing so you can see how fruitful it is to shop second hand, on local selling sites and in the reduction/sale sections of shops. Each month I will sum up my best bargains that month and alongside it give a few tips on grabbing similar bargains for yourselves.

So, without further ado, here are my “best bargains” of July.

A bike for Alice – £20

Alice turned 5 last week and a new bike was top of the list. She isn’t a fan of pink (which a lot of girl bikes seem to be) and the boy bikes we were looking at, well were very boyish. I am not always gender specific in the things I buy the kids, but for a bike, I wanted it to suit her.

I came across this beaut on Facebook market place for £20 – coral coloured, cute basket and immaculate. It is age 6 to 8 so will do her a couple of years too. The make is lil duchess, and new they are about £115+ so I was deffs feeling a little smug to have grabbed this amazing barg. And the best part is that she absolutely loves it!

With bikes etc, always check out Gumtree or FB market place – so many amazing deals in mint or nearly new condition.

A wetsuit for Oscar – £1.99

Okay I am well aware that a wetsuit is pretty useless for a 4.5m baby, however in a year or so when he is toddling down on the beach or near open water with us (and in the sun), then a wetsuit will be ideal for warmth, added padding and UV protection. Because of this, when I saw this age 1 – 2 (will likely be okay until hes 3 even) wetsuit for £1.99 and knowing they retail more around £20+ I had to grab it.

My future self will be thankful for seeing a deal and planning ahead!

Zara denim shorts – £2.50

I love a good pair of knee length denim shorts to wear with most things in the Summer, yet haven’t been able to find any that fit properly. I then had a brainwave that if I bought a pair of Zara jeans (which fit me well everywhere) and chopped them into shorts, I would be sure of a good fitting pair of denim shorts. And so I got on Vinted and bought these ones for £2.50 and then made them into shorts! Winning!

M&S Wrap – £1.99

The other week I went to York shopping with my friend. As we headed back to the car, we called at M&S for some snacks and cold drinks. I was delighted to bag a Hummus and chargrilled veggie wrap for a bargainous £1.55 in the reduced section. By far one of the nicesest wraps ive had and even tastier that it only cost  £1.55 instead of £4.33. Always check the reduced section, especially after 4ish in M&S.

M&S Dress – £5.99

It has been a while since I had a good route in the charity shops, but on the same day I bought the wetsuit (and a romper for him for 75p), I also bought myself a lovely dress from M&S for £5.99. It is long sleeved with a subtle pattern and a flattering waist/midi length. It will be lovely with boots for Autumn winter and another brilliant bargain!

Clothing and birthdays can be pricey when you have a family, but I don’t feel we ever go without because I am always on the look out for a hustle/deal or bargain. Hit up the charity shops or look first on market place before you buy new, and see how much you can save too.

Twisty Petz family – £8 

I couldn’t believe this great bargain – a twisty petz family in the entertainer for £8 instead of £20! It looks like they’re even cheaper online now too at just over £6. I bought this one as a gift for Alice’s friend for her birthday party, but think it would be a great thing to put away for Christmas too or kids birthdays later in the year (such a bargain). They also had the individual ones for £1.25 (usually about £4.99) which the girls bought with their pocket money, and again would make an excellent stocking filler.

Grab the sale deals whilst you can and save money in the long run too.

George at ASDA Sale – 3 items for £8

Last night we nipped into ASDA for a few bits and noticed that they had a big rail of sale stuff in the entrance. As I can’t resist a rummage through a sale rail, I quickly found myself excited at how amazing it all was and “so blumming cheap”! I picked out a super soft knitted camo onesie for £3, super cute woven dungarees for £3 and a cool sweatshirt for £2 all for Alice for the Autumn/winter! I absolutely love all 3 and would highly recommend checking your local ASDA to see if they have any super sale items too to wear now or put away! It all saves money!


  1. July 31, 2021 / 4:22 pm

    So many great things sweetie!

    Danielle |

  2. July 31, 2021 / 11:51 pm

    I love shopping second hand. We have a local auction near us & I do love getting a bargain.
    Well done with your bargains. The bike looks fab!!

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