Gifts that keep on giving

Obviously a huge part of Christmas is the exchanging of gifts… some gifts are useful, some unexpected, some edible, some questionable, educational, wearable and then there are those that keep on giving, you know the ones, you use them often once the occasion has passed and each time is as mint as the first time you received it.

I was blessed this Christmas that several of my gifts were things that weren’t only a Joy to receive but that will bring Joy to my life throughout 2015 as well – I dont know if its because of my loss that I view them this way, in desperate need of things to bring Joy to my life and giving me things to look forward to or if despite that I would see them this way, either way here are the things I received this Christmas time that will help balance 2015 to be one to look forward to and one to create some Joyful experiences;

1. A Trip to Prague – This was a joint pressie for me and Nath to each other, we booked it at 12.08am Christmas morning and got a right were £45 each – return!! Were going in January and I cannot not wait. I was so excited to book it and more excited to go explore a new city in a new country together. Time away together is way passed due and it will be so beneficial and a great start to the year. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh fun times!

2. A Crocheted blanket – Naths Mum must have spent absolutely hours making this for us. Its colourful and bright, some of my fave things, its a joy to look at in itself let alone what it will become to us! I love that we have it to snuggle in whilst we watch TV/DVDs and chill out. How lovely, how thoughtful and how snuggly!


3. National Trust Membership – Is there anything more useful with 2 young, wild children than a years family pass to some of the most wonderful places in England?! I cannot wait to get out and about and explore these heritage sites, go on walks and have some cheapo family days out throughout 2015 courtesy of Naths Parents. This was the only thing I hoped for for Christmas as I knew it would be so helpful to me to be able to get out to places for a full day with the kids and not have to worry about budgets and responsible things like that… I love so much that they got us it and very much look forward to the joyful times that await every time we use it. Megs currently has a “Peter Rabbit” obsession so I cannot wait to take her to where it was created and to see Beatrix Potter house..I am already excited about her potential reaction to all the peter rabbit stuff! This and so many other exciting family adventures await us from this one gift.

4. A Juicer – My parents bought us a juicer, I requested one after I became a little bit addicted to smoothies and went off eating breakfast and found it would be a cheap way to make some delicious fruit and veggie drinks on a morning on the cheap and in bulk. Every time I use it I know I will be loving my life! Every time I hit the market and buy a tonne of cheap fruit and veg I can be confident it wont be wasted and we will use it all up – hello value for money, hello juicing adventures and hello mega nutrients!

5. Project Life Kit – My older sister was my not so secret santa in my fam, I dont know why we even call it “secret santa” because every year we discuss, bargain with each other and sometimes even swap! Well she chose me and knows how much I covet her project life books and so was going nuts when I got my very own – eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Im rubbish at scrapbooking and find this a brilliantly easier way to journal, I thoroughly look forward to putting the highlights of our months adventures (more manageable than weekly) into it. Every time I do this gift will bless my life and will be a treasure for yrs to come.


I have been so happy with all of the things that I received this year, but I am especially grateful for those gifts that come at hard times and that mean I can look forward to using them and getting joy way beyond the day it was given.

Did you receive anything that will enhance 2015 for you? 


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