Frugal Friday #9 – Little Angels nappies, Tk maxx reductions and Super Scooters!

I have discovered some new fave nappies over here in the Smith household – Little Angels supreme protection from Asda. They were gifted to me recently to try (thanks guys) and we really do love them. They move well with my wriggly 8 month baby and protect her through the night. They are thin and contain everything well which I love too. I have struggled since I had her with finding budget nappies that protect and wear as well as the leading brands, and these are mint! They are 3 for £10 (I think haha) – bargain!

In other news I have been buying in advance again for Alice’s birthday in July, doing a little “fakeaway” with the kids and making a spontaneous purchase of 2 new to us scooters!

Tk Maxx

I love TK Maxx for all kinds of random finds, but I love it more when those finds are with a big red reduced sticker! I wanted to get Alice a wooden walker for her 1st birthday, and whilst its not until mid July, when I saw this Melissa & Doug one – £49.99 to £13 how could I not buy it?? A flipping bargain! I love it!

Salad bar

My kids are obsessed with Morrisons salad bar. They love to mix it up and choose their own little salady feasts, and often it has become our quick Friday night dinner. But then I realised what a pricey affair it was becoming and decided to do my own at home! This weds and last we have had a salad bar at home for dinner for a fraction of the price, and like any serve yourself dinner, the kids LOVE it!

New Scooters

On Wednesday after school, the kids and I had a little wander into town (as we sometimes like to do) to have a quick scout around the charity shops. We happened to discover 2 fabulous scooters that are a great size for both kids now and over the next couple of years too. Adjustable, fold-able, Star wars and only 2 blumming quid!!! We weren’t really on the look out for new scooters just yet but really they came at a perfect time and the kids are loving them.

Tonight we are heading to Scotland for adventures galore, and I cannot wait for a little break! Hopefully by the time you read this we will have safely made it to our Air BnB (another bargain) and relaxing together in the Scottish boarders. It’s the start of the Easter holidays here in Leeds for us, and whilst we don’t yet have a moving date (or even exchanged anything) we are making the most of it with some wonderful adventures and time away!


  1. April 2, 2017 / 10:17 am

    I saw your scooters on instagram and they are an amazing find. Even if you weren’t looking for scooters, you just couldn’t leave them there for that price. I love TK Maxx bargains, just for the fact you never know what you are going to find. Looking forward to following your Scotland trip. We are hoping to get to Edinburgh in the summer holidays x
    Tracey Williams recently posted…Little Loves – Eggxit, Mother’s Day and Countdown to GreeceMy Profile

  2. February 24, 2020 / 7:46 pm

    Hi!! The wine idea seems lovely. Thanks for the credit. will definitely try to go someday.

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