Now that the weather is a little more sunny and mild (hello no coat all week) , we have really made the most of it and have been getting out loads. The week started slow with some much needed time in to clean, but ended with some lovely days out up to Harlow Carr in Harrogate and the city centre yesterday where bargains galore awaited me!

3 for £1 on strawberries
First up were the delicious strawberries I stumbled upon in Leeds Market. 3 for £1… I couldn’t believe my ears so pulled up with the pram for a nosy and low and behold they were just that. And massive too. Genetically modified or not I grabbed a quid and we enjoyed them after dinner last night with our guests.
Nak’d bars in the pound shop
I found Nak’d bars in the pound shop…whoop. Okay so they were £2 for a pack of 4, but at 50p each that’s some lovely money savings.
Charity shop
I’ve wanted to look in the city centre charity shops for a while as often there are cooler pieces and at better prices too. I got myself a too, shirt and some dungarees for Alice for just £5. The top has silver flecks and looks a little more classy than your average Tshirt style, i’d say more jumpery and will be great for church with my pencil skirts and the shirt I imagined with skinnies and tan sandals in the summer. You can never have too many stripe right? (Que heart eyes emoji).
And finally it’s royalty day today at school so the kids are heading off as a princess and king. I bought see gold card in the pound shop for Ethan’s crown and a meter of red velvety fabric in hobby craft for 4 quid…the rest will be with fabric from my stash and thankfully Megan has several princess dresses already in circulation. Have a great weekend…tomorrow we are clearing out the dreaded cellar ahhhhhhhhhhhh.