The Ordinary Moments 6/52 – Immunizations

For many parents taking their kids for immunizations is an ordinary part of their early years. I am aware that some parents choose not to and understand some of their reasoning for not wanting to, but we choose to and as little E is quickly growing up he had reached the age (last yr) for his pre-school booster. This was one that I actually was concerned about giving to him, I was very aware of the stuff previously in the news questioning its link to autism and other issues, but when we weighed it up with the extreme alternative of possible death from the illnesses it is preventing against we favoured to give him it and so here we are this week with me FINALLY calling and booking him in. Over the last few months we have had 5…yes that’s 5 letters saying Megs is still due her 3rd set from being 1? Whilst I was adamant that she was up to date I booked her in too just to be sure. Yes I may be mad taking them both together to get them but it seemed wiser to get it all done in one afternoon.

When I picked them up from pre-school on Monday I let them know that the next day they would be having some immunizations at the DRs which might sting a bit with a needle but if they were really brave we would have a treat afterwards. “OOOOO how great, yes thank you mummy” was the response…”erm you won’t be thanking me tomorrow” I thought! Tuesday came and I’ve never seen 2 kids so eager, every 5 mins they were asking when they could go. When the red books came out, well that was just fuel for their excitement and both practically ran their with their little books under their arms all the way there.
I couldn’t stop laughing as I knew they had no idea what was in store…
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I was right, Megan didn’t need hers but got some stickers all the same. Ethan enthusiastically jumped on me knee for his, but soon jumped out of his skin when he had it done, I laughed (and cried a little) at his little face, but he didn’t even shed a tear. What a big brave boy he was, he strutted out of there with his plasters on his arms, his stickers on his coat and he couldn’t wait to call his Grandma’s and tell daddy after work how brave he had been. He loved walking to town to choose a treat and enjoyed every mouthful on the way home. Everything we do is made so much more exciting and fun with these 2. They turn very ordinary moments into adventures and laughs.



  1. February 8, 2015 / 8:36 am

    Awww how brave of him! Its horrible when they have to get it done but they soon forget 🙂 popping over from The Ordinary Moments linky 🙂

  2. February 8, 2015 / 6:51 pm

    Ah, how brilliant that they were so looking forward to it, well done you! I got loads of treats ready for my daughter after hers, and she was fine, too. They’re brave little ones!

    • February 8, 2015 / 7:11 pm

      Thank you! I know what the difference a treat makes haha I’m usually not too fussed or emotional with them, I just say its one of those unfortunate things in life we have to do (harsh?!) but I did have a little tear this time but yeah kids are resilient x

  3. mummydaddyme
    February 9, 2015 / 7:49 am

    Oh bless him, what a brave boy he was for not even shedding a tear. Mads at her preschool boosters a couple of months ago and she cried a little bit, but was pretty good considering. It definitely isn’t much fun for them, especially as they have to jab them a couple of times! 😉

  4. ourlittleescapades
    February 13, 2015 / 5:47 pm

    What a brave little boy you have, I can’t believe you made this into such an adventure for them. Our experience was a complete nightmare but then my son has special needs and it wasn’t easy!

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