On Friday, whilst the kids were at school, I drove up to Harrogate to meet up with some of my sister-in-laws and Mum-in-law! Its less than an hour North of Leeds and a very beautiful town in North Yorkshire. The location was decided as we had arranged to spend some time together at the “Knitting and Stitching Show” which is annually held there, and whilst I wasn’t 100% sure what to expect, I thoroughly enjoyed the day out together.
I have 6 sister-in-laws and adore them all, they are absolutely brilliant people, who are kind, loving and funny and all very talented. We are all very different, yet have a lot of similarities, and always have fun and a lovely time whenever we see each other. I am most definitely a part of the family and feel at ease and “at home” with everyone in whatever we are doing. We girls all regularly get together every couple of weeks, to catch up and let the kids play together, its usually at a National Trust spot or a soft play and then occasionally, like Friday, we are able to get together child free and its GREAT! His mum had packed a gorgeous lunch, as we had no time to stop and eat when your tied to school runs, and so we ate as we wandered…and by the end of it my legs and feet absolutely killed!
Only 2 of Naths sisters and his Mum were there on this occasion, and we all enjoyed looking at the most amazing crafty creations, beautiful prints and feeling practically every piece of fabric! We discussed all of the amazing things we could make and do, we planned projects and future days for us and the other girls to have a sewing day and just had our usual chats about marriage, parenting and views on everything!! We hunted for the perfect fabrics for our individual ideas and enjoyed just wandering around the various displays admiring peoples talents. There were a couple of stalls that were our faves, and that was mainly down to the fabulous prints and types of fabrics they had on offer, and I found fascination in crafts I’d probably never attempt but were just brilliant! Some people have some serious skills out there!
We helped Naths mum Choose some brilliant fabrics for things she is making for the kids this Christmas (I cant wait) and I was able to get some amazing fabric for the Hanging puppet show I plan to make for Megs.. my sisterly’s also bought some lovely things for uni and interior ideas.
I realised that the main reason I loved being there so much was because of how ambitious it made me feel. I haven’t felt hugely motivated in a while and it helped me come alive, be excited and set some goals! I loved not only being with family, but feeling determined, feeling excited and having my mind racing with marvellous ideas and plans. I know its important to have goals, to have hobbies, and this last year sewing has really met that need and become something I have loved. I lack a little confidence with it at times, but still love it and Friday made me feel unstoppable and chatting through ideas, patterns, fabrics and creations with Naths Mum and Sisters really made me feel like with some time and effort I really could create some wonderful things! I love our Ordinary family situation and extra Ordinary adventures together and look forward to all of the Christmas antics and outings we have planned!
Ah it sounds like a lovely day. I wish I was close to my mother in law but sadly my husband isn’t all that close to her, so we will never have that second mother/daughter relationship that I would love. It sounds a great day, I love Harrogate, we used to go there a lot when I lived in Leeds. x
I always forget you used to live in Leeds Katie – its great you did!
Yeah I know what I have is rare and try to treasure it, its a shame not all can enjoy that, but it deffs needs effort from both parties x
I love it when mum packs lunch! They are always SO gorgeous. I’m sad to have missed out – it sounds like you had so much fun! 🙂 Sister in laws for life! Yesssss!!!! Can’t wait to see what mum makes for the kids, she’s awesome! xx