The Ordinary Moments 18/52 – A sleepy girly day

Megs is the second child and so hasn’t had a lot of opportunity to have me to herself. As a tot we had Thursdays & Fridays together whilst E went to preschool and would have lunch out one day, swimming, shopping, peppa pig sessions or she would have a nap and I would clean/chill out (Get in) I don’t really feel bad about it or that we’ve missed anything, she’s never known anything other than having her brother (whom she adores) and seems most content with her little life, we have an excellent relationship (until I tell her off) and a great bond that has developed with ease. I definitely  feel I have her figured out now and she and Ethan both bring me great Joy, try me and enhance life.

Last Monday, out of character, she awoke suddenly at 3am screaming her head off. When you reach the stage where they are almost always sleeping through, the broken nights are certain to shock the system! She was emotional, hot and VERY clingy and as a result it meant that she wasn’t up for pre school that day, instead we took Ethan and then spent the day together.
Mummy and Megs

She fancied a walk, so we went around the local reservoir with my friends and then I asked if she wanted to go to lunch with them (she did), she was such a sleepy head the whole day, perking up occasionally after a dose of calpol. I still to this day don’t know what it was, but she didn’t eat barely anything all day, which is so NOT like her and instead opted for sleep and lots of cuddles.
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Whilst I felt bad that she wasn’t well, she didn’t let it stop her and I loved having the opportunity for a little a girly day and some one on one with the Megster! She spent the day in her onesie and soaked up all of the attention from my friends and loved the sympathy from everyone when we went to pick up E! I loved this day with her, casting aside anything ordinary like the laundry, cleaning, meal prep and made memories, stronger bonds and a new ordinary moment having some time with my little lady,



  1. Angela Milnes
    May 3, 2015 / 9:27 pm

    Looks like you had a fab week Mary. Loving the new Design layout 🙂 Ang xx

  2. May 4, 2015 / 8:49 am

    Ah, I know just what you mean. My oldest’s in reception now, but was ill recently and I kind of treasured those days where nothing else but cuddling her mattered and having her home with us for a change x

    • May 7, 2015 / 7:43 am

      Awww it is nice isn’t it. They are grown up and gone before we know it x

  3. May 5, 2015 / 10:38 pm

    It’s so sad that she was poorly – the pic with the drink shows the saddest face! But it was nice that you had a rare day together. Lovely girly time x

    • May 7, 2015 / 7:44 am

      Thank you, yeah I love that pic too it makes me chuckle! But so nice to be together as you say x

  4. May 6, 2015 / 9:54 pm

    Loved reading this Mary! I think life must get a bit too much for kids sometimes and they just want to chill out. Meg’s is such a babe. I’m looking forward to one on one time with Ru in September. I wonder what his little personality will turn out to be like! xx

    • May 7, 2015 / 7:37 am

      Thank you Esther – Yeah it probs wasn’t any more than life being a little much, but she did like the day and it was nice to be togeth. I do love to see them growing and being with Ru just together will be so lovely and exciting as you figure him out a little more, they’re always full of surprises haha

      Its good you have him at home still, I like when they are both out at pre school, but it does get VERY quiet and I do miss the chats and little cute faces! x

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