I know some people have issues and major fears when it comes to visiting the dentist, I do not! I have more fear that I will loose all of my teeth (ever had that dream?) than laying in a chair for 5/10 mins and having someone check out my mouth. You may think I have been lucky to escape needles??? no fillings?? well yes I have had fillings, braces and even root canal and a crown over the years and still I haven’t feared going for any of them, I love the feeling of my teeth afterwards and I enjoy the reassurance that things are okay!
This week was our (very) overdue check up at the dentist…it was supposed to be last summer – a 6 monthly check up for E and I and Megsies 1st.Ever.Visit!!! Unfortunately they cancelled, we had a trauma and so here we are in March finally getting around to it. For the kids it was like the highlight of their week, they talked about it until it came and they’ve told everyone since. It makes me happy that I seem to be able to get them looking forward to dentists and Immunizations and I hope this confidence will remain throughout their life with these routine, ordinary appointments we must attend to maintain health.
I went 1st (show them how its done) followed by Ethan and finally a little anxious but soon over it Megan. It was everything I anticipated…20 toilet trips whilst waiting, scrambling over mummy whilst she was in the chair, cheeky grins and frozen stickers. I could tell the 20-something year old dentist loved it with statements like “erm your mummy needs to stay still..” followed by “do they listen??” and finally “you really have your hands full”!!
It was a shame he was cleaning my teeth and preventing me from speaking, I would have agreed that they have some type of hearing problem it would appear but as were at the dentist and not the DRs there is little that could be done – instead I thanked him for his patience.
We survived and Megs enjoyed her 1st visit to the dentist. It was certainly an adventure for them and an ordinary moment for me I am glad only comes round every 6 months!!!
I am one of those fear of the dentist kind of people, mainly because my last dentist was awful. However last week I bit the bullet moved dentist to a lovely new lady dentist and had an appointment. Im cured! She was so lovely and put all my fears to rest, Your little ones did so well for their first trip!
Thanks! Get in for you – I am so happy you found one that has cast those fears away and made you feel at ease about it all.
Aw bless them, I love how everything is such an adventure when they are little. Mads loves to go to the dentist and get a sticker at the end of it! x
Its interesting to see how they can love stuff so easily when we approach it with a positive outlook. Stickers are ALWAYS a bonus too at this age – instant love haha