The Ordinary Moments 2017 #33 – Pirates & Cousins

Every half term we tend to get together with the kids cousins on Nathan’s side of the fam, to play, have an outing of some description, and generally catch up. This October however, we thought we might miss out on the fun and our ordinary moments of cousin time, when we realised that with moving house our half terms were different! Thankfully (and thanks to a training day on Friday), our half term started a day early, and on Friday we were able to head down the road to Grandma’s house to see everyone and grab a piece of the action.

The plan was swimming and baking, yet as soon as we arrived, they all headed straight out of the door to the bottom of the garden to play in their newly built “Pirate Ship”! Here they spent a good couple of hours with one another playing, working together, chatting and hanging in their den. They played Pirates and generally just spent some quality time unplugged and outdoors with some of their best friends! Ethan was completely in his element… shifting hay bales, making plans and going wild!

It was great too because I had one of my sisters boy’s over, and it was nice they could all mesh together. After a fun morning of piratey play, we headed to the Swimming baths (6 adults and 11 kids) for more nutty fun, before returning to Grandma’s to decorate gingerbread bat biscuits and have dinner!

I love days like these. I love to see my nieces and nephews on both sides of the family, and catch up with our families. They are so ordinary I suppose, and so frequent, and yet they are nearly always moments of Joy for us all too. We love any reason to see cousins, play at Grandma’s, and have fun in the new pirate ship!  I always hope when I see them laughing and harmonious, that they will best friends throughout their lives to help and strengthen one another!


The Ordinary Moments


  1. October 31, 2017 / 2:43 pm

    I love all the expression in the top picture and so lovely that you are able to all get together, I remember when I was small that days with my cousins were so much fun for us children and the adults! #TheOrdinaryMoments
    Laura @ Little Ladies Big World recently posted…Me and Mine – October 2017My Profile

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