Searching for some Winter Sun? Don’t leave home without these security tips!

Dark nights, poor weather and freezing temperatures make us all dream of sunnier climes. Not only is the weather more favourable abroad, but flights and holiday packages are also considerably cheaper than during the peak summer season. No wonder so many of us are jumping on a plane and leaving the UK behind for a couple of weeks at this time of year!

Exciting as a family holiday can be, you need to remember that keeping your home safe and secure whilst you’re away is also important. I expect we are all familiar with ” Home Alone” and with the darker nights now upon us, it’s never been easier for potential thieves and burglars to spot an empty property and try their luck. But do not fear -here are some simple and straightforward home security tips that will keep your property and belongings safe, as well as giving you peace of mind whilst your chase that winter sun and travel together (hopefully with every child in tow!). 

Install outdoor lighting

Security lighting is a smart choice whether you are home or away. If you install LED security lights – check out this website for the latest in LED light technology – it will help when arriving home each evening. But also, if you are going away, you may find that a well lit property is enough to keep potential crooks at bay. Motion sensor lights means that there is nowhere to hide and with the risk of neighbours catching a glimpse of a suspicious person creeping around, gaining access to your property simply won’t be worth it! Be smart and get some installed before you head off on holiday this winter! 

Keeping up appearances!

If your property looks well kept, neat, tidy and clearly well looked after then it gives the illusion that someone is normally around and keeping an eye on things. If your property looks a little scruffy from the outside then that might be all it takes for an opportunistic thief to try their luck. Afterall, if your property doesn’t look well maintained then they could be right to assume that your security measures won’t be either! Make sure your property looks neat and tidy from the outside. Keep your blinds and curtains in a normal looking position so it’s difficult to tell if your home is vacant. Putting your lights on timers is also a really good measure to deter people. 

Make the most of your neighbours

If you have good relationships with your neighbours like we are fortunate enough to have, then ask them to keep an eye on your property whilst you’re away. Allow them to park on your driveway or in front of your house to keep up the illusion that someone is home. If you know them really well, then give them a key and ask them to collect your post and open and close the curtains each day. This will be great to deter unwanted visitors! 

Double check your doors and windows

Its simple advice but some that many simply don’t follow it! Check your front and back doors thoroughly, check the door frames for integrity and ensure that the hinges are strong and not damaged. Ask yourself if a good kick or shoulder barge would be enough to open the door. If the answer is yes, then speak to a security expert about installing a deadbolt or a kickplate. The same applies to your windows!

I hope these suggestions are helpful and that you and your home are safe as you travel this season!

*Collaborative post

1 Comment

  1. November 19, 2021 / 9:42 am

    Great tips here! Thank you.
    I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep posting, please!

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