#MyHeartyLife | #27

Our week was rather a quiet one until we hit Friday and then it has been all rather full on and non stop! We had the school Summer fair, followed by a fabulous community event on Friday evening. And then yesterday we had the joy of watching Megsie in her Gymnastics competition where she bagged herself a silver medal!

The afternoon saw Nathan and I taking Alice and Ethan to the Humber Bridge country park for a couple of hours whilst Megan enjoyed some fun activities with her Rainbows group (packed social life for her this weekend!). Finally we rounded it off with a lovely stroll through the woods at Danes Dyke and a chill on the beach this afternoon following our usual Sunday morning at Church! It has been a wonderful weekend and one I was grateful to have enjoyed so much – It has made me feel all the more excited for the Summer Holidays and more beach days and adventures!

Grateful For 

This week I am incredibly grateful for my neighbour who took me to Bridlington for “little big sing” and who takes Megs every week to Gymnastics with her daughter – it has meant I don’t have to get the train, that we have become friends and that Megan can do Gym more easily!

I am also grateful for 2 lovely school reports from Ethan and Megan’s teachers – they made me super proud! There were parts in them that actually made me laugh out loud and I love how great they both have been this school year. Mostly though I love and am grateful, that they continue to be themselves and that Megan especially is “strong willed” (Stubborn) and “independent”… I feel like she will go far!

Succeeded At 

I made it to the School Fair to be able help and successfully completed my stint on the Raffle store! I also bought 2 strips of tickets afterwards (for £2) and won a family day to a local National Trust spot! I couldn’t believe my luck – I never win things and it felt so great to have won such a fab prize when I had only spent 2 quid!

Found Beauty In 

The lovely fields on Monday when I walked my friends dog with her and the singing school kids at “Little big sing” that same afternoon! I found beauty in the many crocheted poppies lining the village station for “Village in bloom” and seeing the village gather together on Friday night.

It was also beautiful to see Megan performing her heart out in her Gym competition and the Humber Bridge on Saturday! And finally it was beautiful to see the white chalky rocks and sea this afternoon as we sat chatting and playing together!

It’s been a beautiful week in many ways and I am thankful for more positivity! 5 more days till schools out and we are a little excited and very ready for it!

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