The last couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me, and consequently I missed last weeks “MyHeartyLife” update! I have had a kidney infection, and whilst I have been trying to get on and mother etc, I kinda hit a wall and just needed to rest and switch off as much as possible if I wanted any chance of my body being able to recover.
I seem to be pretty run down generally in life, and seem to get ill quite often which I find incredibly frustrating, but thankfully in these last couple of days, and after some tests and 2 courses of antibiotics, I am finally feeling like me again!
This week has been pretty good (minus being so ill at the beginning of it), and we have had made some fabulous memories through Megan’s birthday and a Taylor Swift concert.
Grateful For …
This week I feel super grateful for our second born child – Miss Megan! On Thursday she turned 6 and it was wonderful to be able to celebrate her and her presence in our family/lives! I am grateful to be the mother of someone that is so funny, crazy and generally filled with goodness. She can be cheeky and explosive if you upset her or frustrate her too much, but mostly she is kind and thoughtful and I am just grateful to be able to walk through life with her. She is a real daydreamer and imaginative and I love to see life through her eyes!
I also feel grateful for the offers of help from neighbours and friends whilst I haven’t been well, and for my little sister taking me to the hospital to make sure everything was okay! I am grateful for my lovely mother in law throwing Megs a birthday tea of homemade pizza’s and for one of her aunts making her a fresh cake out of melon and grapes!! And then finally again for my mother in law for buying me a fab drinks bottle so that I can drink more, and get better quicker.
It’s been clear to see that I am surrounded by good people and I felt especially grateful for that fact and realisation this week.
Succeeded At …
Being well enough to see Taylor Swift! We bought the tickets before Christmas and have been super excited ever since! At the beginning of this week I really thought that I wouldn’t make it. I was so weak and ill that we decided to ask around to see if anyone else wanted to go with Nathan. Thankfully though I did feel a little better and with knowing it was seated, I felt I could face it and we decided to go. I loved every second and it was so nice to escape life to spend time with Nathan at such an epic concert!
We certainly ended a hard week on a high, and even though I didn’t feel my best and was tired, it was a lot of fun.
Found Beauty In …
On Friday evening as I drove to Leeds to get Nathan from work for our concert date, I passed the most beautiful field of Poppies! Within seconds I had pulled over and got out to snap a pic. I love these moments when I am on my own and have such beautiful reminders in my life of our precious little Poppy! It made me very reflective for the next chunk of my drive, but I am grateful for that time to be on my own and just feel it.
I also found beauty in seeing Megan with her friends for her party on Saturday, and Alice laughing her head off today in the car. I love being their mother and being able to witness these hearty moments that fill my heart with love and joy!