#MyHeartyLife | 15

Welcome back to another week of #MyHeartyLife – an opportunity to celebrate the small moments of gratitude, success and beauty from the previous week. I love recording and noticing the beauties and small hearty moments in life, because together these things make me see that life is good and blessed despite the really hard days.

I hope you will join me, either by linking a blog below, or sharing something on Instagram with the # “MyHeartyLife”. I love to see all of the little moments that are bringing people Joy!


I have run out of foundation, and so have been looking a little worse for wear, but the house is reasonably tidy, we’ve had a couple of adventures on the train seeing friends, and a village walk yesterday, and so I suppose you could say it’s been a good week!

Mostly this week has seen Alice and I have taking it easy and getting organised whilst the kids try and get back into a new term at school. I have enjoyed catching up on a couple of favourite programmes whilst she naps, and catching up with friends and neighbours around that. If I could sum up this week in a couple of words, I would certainly choose “Chocolate” and “tired” – We are all super tired from travelling and have only just about got back into some kind of normal sleep pattern, as well as our regular routine of school runs and clubs!  The kids have been late for school most days (whoops), as it has proven to be nigh impossible to wake them and we are just generally a bit slower than normal in our everyday life. Consequently, with the madness of trying to get back to normal and lazing around feeling meh, I have been gorging on reduced Easter chocolate (to make up for what I missed) and overall doing very little outside of cooking, cleaning and clubs!

Grateful for…

This week I am very grateful for veggies, lentils, beans and homemade food – they are a welcome treat following the amount of fast food we had, and it has been lovely cooking for the family again! Whilst I loved the treats we enjoyed on holiday, there is such a thing as having “too much of a good thing”, and diet wise I have been happy to come home to familiar and more wholesome foods!

With that I have to say that I am also very grateful that I only gained 1lb on holiday from the excessive aforementioned diet, and whilst this was a victorious feeling on Monday, here on Friday I am questioning if perhaps I have sabotaged that after all of the chocolate I have scoffed since being back (I just can’t help myself). I was, at the beginning of the week, very grateful to find reduced Easter eggs still in Tesco, yet now I am wondering what the heck I was thinking because I seem to have adopted scoffing Easter chocolate into my nightly routine -The struggle is real. Despite this I am truly grateful for the Sunshine we had on Monday, Lunch with a friend Wednesday, and my mother in law for helping us with a lift to swimming yesterday. Each point has made the week a little more joyful!

Succeeded At…

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about my “secret course” I have been doing, and whilst I still don’t feel like sharing all on that front yet (soon my friends I promise), I would like to say I was delighted to find out on Wednesday night that my first unit was passed! I also successfully went back with renewed energy (and a powerpoint presentation I had created), after feeling like I wanted to quit before Easter. This was the ultimate success because I had been rather anxious about it all before, but then whilst away, and some encouragement from Nathan, I decided it was only a few more weeks and that in the long run it would be most beneficial.

Ultimately it comes down to the fact that it is incredibly hard to study with young kids (like seriously hard), but now I am feeling great about it again, I am more motivated and look forward to handing in my next 3 units over this fortnight. I only have a few more weeks left, so hopefully that will be a mega success right there to look forward to if I can keep on keeping on. For now though I feel each week I go, and each piece of work I complete is a little success in itself with how much I am balancing around it all.

I also successfully got on top of holiday laundry, successfully got the kids to school every day (despite their exhaustion), and successfully made a tasty lasagne and Lentil-bean chilli this week!

Found Beauty In…

Daffodils are everywhere at the moment around here and my oh my are they beautiful! They line the roads, and all over green patches in the village their little yellow heads bop around as if to greet us! They are a sure sign of Spring (though the weather would have us believe otherwise), and I feel like they really brighten up the place! I have loved looking at them on the school runs, and also whilst I have been out and about with Alice…I think they make everything that little bit more bright and beautiful.

Now if we could just have some milder and more sunny weather …

#MyHeartyLife Rules

You can link up one post a week that fits into either or all of the “Prompts”, and I ask that you at least comment on mine and one or 2 others too. Kindness costs nothing and a comment on your blog feels amaze!

Please use the #MyHeartyLife on Social media whenever you want to share the goodness and cheerful moments in your life that day! It might also help when summing up the week into a blog post to link up!


The Hearty Life


  1. April 15, 2018 / 11:58 am

    Wow congratulations, studying (and doing it well) is an amazing achievement when you’re a parent. Not to mention all the other home making stuff when you split roles and are the one to spend more time at home. I’ll look forward to hearing more about it when you’re ready to share.
    I also appreciate simple home cooked food when I come back from somewhere else. I always crave beans on toast after being in Germany (as that’s the only place I visit really and for years I was vegetarian when I visited and they love their meat!).
    Nic@nipitinthebud recently posted…5 reasons to love the OXO Tot twist top water bottle (a review with a pair of thirsty explorers)My Profile

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