#MyHeartyLife | 13

This week has been pretty exhausting for us all as we drove (over 2 days) almost 800 miles from Arizona upto Utah for the next leg of our holiday. We have been here for 3 days now, having laughs with Nathan’s family, and seeing old friends and it’s been wonderful! The cooler temperatures and mountain views of Utah have been really lovely.

Grateful For … 

This week I am grateful for safety in travelling, water, family and friends – Each one has been vital to us having a lovely family holiday here.

I think we often take fresh water for granted, but being in the desert was a huge reminder of how vital (clean) water is. You can’t drink the tap water in Arizona, so it takes more planning, but I was grateful for a crate of water in our boot and water machine at our friends house, that has meant we didn’t dehydrate and could grab water when we needed it.

With all of the driving we have done so far (we still have about another 600 miles or so for Vegas/LA), it has been a huge blessing to have done so safely. I am grateful we have been kept safe, especially when our drives have meant that we have been on some crazy altitudes and windy canyon roads at times, along with some snowy ones too … safety is a huge blessing.

Finally I am grateful for Nathans family who we have been able to see and stay with. It’s been a good laugh!

Succeeded At … 

My biggest success was most certainly driving over here on the “Wrong side” in an automatic! When I lived here I never really got on well with driving on the opposite way round, and so just stuck to being driven as opposed to driving. I have also never driven in an automatic either before which I suppose is surprising too.

Although I keep looking for the gear stick when I slow down, With Nathans patience and a little extra thinking, I have successfully driven several times this last week and really enjoyed it!

Found Beauty In … 

The most beautiful sight I beheld this week was the Grand Canyon! It was absolutely spectacular and hugely breathtaking. The whole drive through the park (complete with lots of deer) was so beautiful.

I also felt peace and saw beauty in the snow capped mountains driving from Southern Utah to the Salt Lake area where we are staying, and have loved looking out on them daily. I can’t believe this time next week we will be back in the UK, and all of this will just be great memories! Its truly been an adventure and I am going to miss it greatly.

#MyHeartyLife Rules

You can link up one post a week that fits into either or all of the “Prompts”, and I ask that you at least comment on mine and one or 2 others too. Kindness costs nothing and a comment on your blog feels amaze!

Please use the #MyHeartyLife on Social media whenever you want to share the goodness and cheerful moments in your life that day! It might also help when summing up the week into a blog post to link up!


The Hearty Life


  1. March 31, 2018 / 10:12 pm

    Wow that was a truly amazing holiday.
    What an experience for the children but especially lovely for you to return to someone so special to you. Wonderful to catch up with family too.

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      April 6, 2018 / 10:40 pm

      Thanks Nic it really was x

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