#MyHeartyLife | 1

This week we have been on Christmas break from school, and unlike other school holiday’s we have been super laid back and done very little! We have thrown our usual daily routine and mega plans out of the window and spent mornings in our PJ’s, and days eating Christmas treats and snuggling with blankets whilst playing!

The house obviously looks like a right state as a result, with half the decorations still up, laundry to be sorted, and tat to be tidied. But for now we are grabbing opportunities to enjoy these last few days together with all the good reasons to have some treats!

Grateful for…

This week I am incredibly grateful that the kids have been more than happy to stay home and play, draw and watch films. I haven’t been well the last couple of days (nothing more than my period – they’ve been bad since having Alice, and this week the pain was the worse yet) and on Wednesday I couldn’t sleep and cried a lot it hurt so bad. So Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, all I wanted to do was rest. With all of that the kids were so good and understanding, and so I am grateful for that!

I am grateful that all week they have been really good in their behaviour too. I like to think that they’ve turned over a new leaf, but I think reality is more that they are wrecked and still recovering from last term and late night partying!


I am also grateful for school holidays so we can just drift a little and chill, and do what we please. We have been grateful to be closer to family so we can hang with cousins during this time too.


My biggest success this week has been in starting this linky! It might take a while for me to build, but I feel so good that I set the goal and took the plunge right away, before time got away with me and I became too busy with other things.

Found Beauty in…

Yesterday afternoon despite not feeling great, we got out to a soft play in Bridlington (on the sea front). They like it because it’s for older kids and therefore more challenging, it’s at the sea side so equates an adventure, and of course there is always the chance of an ice-cream treat for good behaviour… so a winner all round.

We walked there via the harbour as we always love to look at the fishing boats and out to sea! Despite the grey day and rainy weather it was a beautiful view to take in.

What has been great for you this week? Where have you seen beauty and found joy? When have you felt gratitude? Link up below and let me know or #myheartylife on Insta with an image to sum it up. I look forward to seeing them and connecting together!

#MyHeartyLife Rules

You can link up one post a week that fits into either or all of the “Prompts”, and I ask that you at least comment on mine and one or 2 others too. Kindness costs nothing and a comment on your blog feels amaze!

Please use the #MyHeartyLife on Social media whenever to share the goodness and cheerful moments in your life that day! It might also help when summing up the week into a blog post to link up!

The Hearty Life
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  1. January 6, 2018 / 6:43 pm

    Sorry you’ve not been feeling so good, I can fully empathise with bad period pain. I’ve always suffered and find paracetamol and ibuprofen taken together can help ease it a little. Hope you enjoyed the last few days at home with the kids before they go back to school. School holidays seem to fly by don’t they?

    Thanks for starting this Linky, I’ve been looking for something new and different to take part in this year and I love this!

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      January 10, 2018 / 9:40 pm

      Thank you Nicola. I am excited for it and to have you on board haha!! yes the holidays really do fly by and i’m sorry you suffer too with good ol mother nature! BLAH! x

  2. January 6, 2018 / 10:43 pm

    Congratulations on starting your very own linkie!!

    I love the idea between this. We need focus on the positives in this World. I will certainly be joining up.

    I love your photos. Your children look adorable. Your Holiday sounds like it has been what you all needed. A time of rest. Also wow at living so close to the sea, the soft play sounds awesome.

    I was talking today how sometimes it feels like life cuts you a break just when you really need it. Sounds like that is what you have had with the children and their behaviour. Let’s hope it continues.

    Thanks for starting this linkie, I look forward to reading more on here.

    Cherie || My Mama Musings

    • Mary @TheHeartyLife
      January 10, 2018 / 9:39 pm

      Cherie thank you so much for your lovely comment and I look forward to connecting with you over this linky. You’re right, life does give us what we really need sometimes and it is welcomed with open arms haha x

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