Each year, I scramble around throughout November in order to get everything I need for Christmas, so that when December rolls around our time and thoughts can be focused less on us and more on others. We have several traditions that make the most of the season; like going to see the lights, copious amounts of hot chocolate, watching school plays. Elf day and snuggling while reading Christmas books and watching Christmas movies. But, alongside all of this, I like to plan with, and chat to the kids about how we can help others find light and joy at Christmas time too. We find that by doing this daily we take the focus off wanting and just feel joy and the spirit of the season in more abundance (while helping others in small ways too).
We have found that the best way to do this is to each year follow and participate in our churches initiative to “Light the world”. Christmas for us is about celebrating Christ and all that that means. This helps us to do this and to remember we have so much to give, despite our circumstances and, together we find so much more meaning in the season.
This year’s theme is light the world with love, and there’s never been more of a need for love in this world than now. Through simple activities each day leading up to Christmas, we get to spread the spirit of Christmas in the lives of others – lighting the world through random acts of kindness, donations and service. I look around at the pain, sadness, illness and stories that shock and break your heart and see that there is a lot of darkness and dark places in this world. In contrast, its clear the world certainly needs more light right now. It needs the light of love, of compassion, patience, empathy, kindness, giving, helping and lifting.
Imagine if we all tried to find little ways in our realms to let His light shine this season by finding ways to #lighttheworld for others?
I don’t quite have it altogether this year and there are a few gifts for family that still need to be purchased, and it all needs to be wrapped. I have moments where grief is a little more at the surface this time of year too as we gather with family and reflect on “heavenly” angels and such. But even with that and other worries at times, I am also abundantly blessed and I am looking forward to spending the coming days and weeks remembering that Christmas is about what we can give and lifting others – lighting up life a little more for those around us by being His hands!
Why not look around and see how you can light the world with love this season – it might be watching a child for someone so they can get their prep done, or baking treats for friends and neighbours, donating time or money to a charity, buying gifts and/or food for those in need, listening, a hug, a letter of appreciation… the list is endless.
It’s so refreshing to break away from focusing on wants, stuff and the pressures of what others might be doing and just look to giving, Christ and thinking of doing lovely things for others. My kids enjoy it too and it certainly increases their thoughtfulness and appreciation on Christmas morning.
If you need ideas or prompts, they can be found on the image below. I hope we can all make a difference and light the world with more love and kindness – both throughout December and the coming new year.