Life Lately | June 2020

Life lately has been feeling a little chaotic and tiring for me. I can’t believe June has passed and July is here. I am feeling like I just want to have a massive sleep and do a few things for myself; because being full-time teacher, mummy and caring for the elderly is all beginning to get a lot!

I love being a mum and I love working around the family…I even love (mostly) having the opportunity to be involved in their learning and enjoy planning activities for them. But, doing it ALL in this situation and working loads too is something that I could never maintain long term and is starting to take its toll on my emotions and making me feel a little trapped! When I think about this though, I think that I am mostly fatigued with always been needed in some way in all areas of my life and never really having time to myself, nor the head space to process every day things (anyone else?). I am either at work – being needed, or at home – again being needed. I am more aware than ever of the need to have balance in our lives, time to unwind and I am really looking forward to wrapping up home school at the end of next week and welcoming the “Summer Holidays”; when we will hopefully get away camping and out and about having more fun together.

This month has also been great too though, we had a fun fathers day and we also celebrated Megs 8th birthday (our 2nd child) – it was of course a low key affair but lovely nonetheless with gifts, cake, pizza and family time. We also gained 2 additional residents in home – a pair of white rabbits who we have named “Willow” and “Daisy”! So far it is proving an interesting venture and I am wondering some days if we really are pet people!! I am sure in time we will all adjust but they are lovely (and at times a little nuts too)!

In June I also finished all of my formal learning and assignments for my counselling course and feel immensely happy and relieved to have reached that milestone! I still have my clinical hours to do, but I have taken a massive leap towards the end goal and I hope over the coming months I might be able to complete those and be a qualified counsellor – at last!

Life has been great mostly, but I am ready for a break. Here are some of the highlights and things June brought to my life.

Loving – At the moment I am loving chilli oil, which is exactly what it says; chilli infused olive oil. My mother in law introduced me to it (though I have had it at Pizza Express before too) and it is so delish on salads, pasta and pizza! I love spicy food and this always brings a kick that the rest of the family don’t appreciate!

I have also been loving finishing college, eating a cheeky cheeseburger again at Mac D’s and the glorious weather and living close to the coast. We have had several evenings venturing to the coast for a paddle and play and its been dreamy.

Watched – I was absolutely over joyed to see there was a new season of Queer Eye on Netflix and so watched the whole thing in like a week. I love it so much and love how feel good it is as people rediscover their confidence and hope. Have you seen it? Do you love it too?

I also watched ‘Sister Act’ with the kids (they thought it was classic too) and ‘Nappily Ever After’ and ‘The Edge of Seventeen’ with Nath, as well as a few more episodes of ‘White collar’. I enjoyed those films, and am enjoying another season of White Collar too.

Read – This month I read ‘The tattooist of Auschwitz’ – a true story about Lale Sokolov, who became the tattooist of Auschwitz in WW2 after being imprisoned there at about the age of 18. It was a harrowing, fascinating and miraculous read. It was one of those books you cannot not put down and also one that made me marvel at the resilience of human beings (as well as the capabilities others have within them). It taught me a lot and it humbled me too.

Listened to – I have been trying to make more of an effort to listen to Podcasts so that I can learn things and enhance my life a little more. In June I really got into ‘The Therapy Edit’ by Anna Mathur. I have loved hearing insights into Gratitude, anxiety and not feeling good enough (amongst others). They are only about 10 minutes or so each but oh so enlightening and, have helped me personally and professionally.

Bought – I finally bought a couple of things for myself which I really like and am pleased with to update my wardrobe. These include some lush black heels from Dorothy Perkins (£18 from £30) which also come in pink and stone, I bought a random tie dye shirt for only £4 last week in Peacocks and 2 dresses from Shein. One dress is leopard print – great with said heels or sandals, boot or pumps – you know, a good all rounder! And, the other is a blue maxi smock style with dandelion print, which isn’t anything like I ever wear, but hopefully is going to look cool with trainers. I wanted some new Summery ones I could throw on and go and these tick that box ha!

Visited – This month I have visited some local World War 2 bunkers and an abandoned airfield we found out was on our doorstop (lovely views and a cool place to explore with our kiddos). We have obviously been to the beach a couple of times too and a cheeky walk in Hull the other weekend. But, aside from those, that is as far as we have dared to venture! Oh, aside from last weekend when we headed over the Humber to pick up our pair of bunnies – that was exciting!

This coming month I am so very much looking forward to some breaks from home learning, school stuff and even more days off together with my little family. We have some day trips we want to go on to explore more of Yorkshire, some hikes and, we hope as lock-down eases, we may squish in a date night out and be able to even meet up with a few more members of our family. I hope you are staying safe and sane!

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