I am not really sure where to begin with talking about life in January 2021 – I guess because it has just been so samey! Unlike last January when we had a really lovely and busy start to the year, this January has been long, emotional and at times pretty hard. Like everyone else here in England/the UK, we have been governed by lock down rules, started home schooling the kids again and basically had very little to see and do. I slipped and sprained my ankle a couple of weeks ago which was really painful and saw me resting for several days with my leg up! I am missing days out, family, normal life and I am just a bit really tired!
But, my pregnancy is going well, we are all healthy at the moment and we are finding small ways to have fun together under the circumstances. We are enjoying baking again, winter walks and honestly, home schooling is going pretty well most days too. Being 33 weeks pregnant now (with my 5th) I am just wrecked every day which is hard for me. I try to rest where and when I can and the kids are so great at helping me and have embraced “Quiet time” each afternoon too (Booyah – #mumwin) but it kinda annoys me that as a result of aching and being tired, I lack the same enthusiasm I did last lock down; there is so much I would love to be doing with them, but my body won’t allow me to. I guess it is just a “times and seasons” thing and it won’t be long before I can be more energetic with them and hopefully weather will be brighter too!
Loving – In spite of the hardships and emotions that January has presented us with, I am loving that my scan last week told us that baby is doing great, my placenta is no longer covering the exit and my diabetes is being well managed. It was such a relief to hear all of this and has helped me feel more excited about having him in a few weeks.
I am loving how the village looks with ice and frost, loving milk and biscuits on an evening and dipping bread-sticks in cream cheese for snacks! I am loving cinnamon bun Halo ice cream (it is so flipping nice!) living in hoodies and leggings and also currently loving that I don’t have to be up for school runs and that we can mix things up when we want to. Yes it is samey and hard some days, but I love having the odd lie in and also having a flexible schedule when we need it.
Watching – This month I watched “Say I Do” on Netflix – it is such a lovely and heart warming programme celebrating love and helping make peoples dreams come true – the 3 guys that present it are brilliant. I have also really got into “A place in the Sun” most days and love to discuss with Mr Smith where we would like to live! It has brought us a new hobby to look and search for property abroad and talk about the places we could live… I have learnt that your money goes so much further in parts of Spain and Italy than it does here and obviously offers a better lifestyle with year round warmer weather!
As a couple we have also started watching Glee again. We watched it years ago when it first started so have started on season 3 where we left off. It is easy watching, comical and we love the music!
Reading – With the kids I am currently reading Pipi Longstocking during the week and for my own pleasure I have started reading one of the books I got for Christmas – Still I rise: The persistence of Phenomenal Women by Marlene Wagman-Gellar. It is full of short biographies and the inspiring stories of women in modern history. I love that it is easy to read as you can read one woman’s story at a time and that it is also inspiring and motivating. I especially love that I am learning more about some of the names I have known of for most of my life – who they are and what they have been through. It is so far a great book!
Listening to – This may come as no surprise, but you guessed it – GLEE!! I have created a “Gleeful” soundtrack on Spotify and we are loving the daily party in our home! I danced quite a bit on Friday night to it (now my ankle is much better) and then realised I should probably slow it down or this baby may be coming sooner than planned!
Bought – I have bought some great little things in the sales as gifts for family. Rex London, Accessorize and Smiggle all had some gems I found for siblings, nieces and nephews birthdays and even a few things for our kids birthdays and next Christmas to put away (organised or what!). I also bought a lovely Tutti bambini cozee crib from Facebook market place for a bargainous £50 – it doubles up as a co-sleeper which I am excited to try this time round as I think night feeds will be so much easier!
I was super excited to also buy our pram too – again market place and an absolute steal! I went with the bugaboo cam again, because I just loved it so much before. Unfortunately the one we had with Alice was ruined by damp. The one we have bought though it lush, a newer model and only £120!
Visited – Erm local fields? Local woods? The Supermarket?
We did visit Scarborough this week as my appointments were there with the consultant, so we had a walk along the sea front and an ice cream – it was wild!!
I am quite glad we are heading into a new (and shorter) month. I am excited for Valentines, half term, pancake day and that by the time the month ends, we will be getting ready to have our baby! There feels like so much more to look forward to in these weeks ahead and I can’t wait. I know half term and valentines won’t quite be the same, but I am just pleased for something a little different on those days and opportunities to be creative with how we use that time.
The next few weeks are going to be very much about home schooling (obvs) but also packing my hospital bag and getting the final baby things!
This month I am grateful for …
*The opportunity to teach my kids and be a part of their learning! It is hard some days but I also enjoy it too.
*Our home and space to be warm and safe together
*A sense of humour
*My placenta moving
*Facebook marketplace!! So grateful for the lovely baby things we have been able to afford through it!
*Good food
*Icy walks