I think that the title of this post pretty much say’s it all, and sums up (in a nutshell) what life has been like lately for me! This new year certainly had to be one of the worst biggest let down’s in years, as I spent it cuddled up on the sofa with covid, and feeling rather sorry for myself that I wasn’t partying with my kiddo’s. No, this year there was none of the usual dancing, epic fireworks at my mother in laws or smooching at midnight with my love – it was more supping warm drinks, laying still and eating a few chips from the takeaway, as we feebly tried to make it a little more exciting for the kids.
I am glad though (and grateful too) that we were blessed to have a super lovely Christmas season – seeing family, enjoying our faves, soaking up the glee of the kids and enjoying watching Oscar on his first Christmas. It was just lovely and fun.
But, towards the end of the month Covid hit and a positive PCR saw me (along with half the country it would seem) spending the next 10 days in bed/at home.
I have loved that we had such a great Christmas, and that the season was both gentle and joyful. I am loving that I am now feeling much better, that I still have a decent stash of Christmas chocolate, and that we have had a couple of little adventures over the last few weeks.
I am especially loving that it is now a new year, with new opportunities and hopefully, plenty to look forward to and achieve!
Christmas films; the usual faves of Elf and Muppet Christmas Carol, but also really enjoyed watching Christmas Chronicles again with the kids. I loved watching the Call The Midwife Christmas Special, and last week we watched “Don’t look up” on Netflix. I don’t know if you have seen that one? It is rather a popular one and lots of people have been talking about it. We on the whole enjoyed it and found it a good representation of the selfishness that exists from those in power, as well as the reliance on tech and general disregard we see in the world. Aside from the language in it (I don’t know why some films need to be so sweary) it is worth a watch and was entertaining, as well as giving you plenty to consider.
I also saw The Railway Children at Hull Truck Theatre, and Come From Away down in London – both were excellent and it was wonderful to be at the theatre!
I really want to go see the new Matrix film this month, and I am excited for a new season of Queer Eye and call the midwife to see me through the bleakness of January! Hoorah!
Oh hey – see this category has returned! A new year always sees me trying again to read more… hopefully this will continue as I really want to make more time to expand my mind and imagination!
I am currently about 1/3 of the way through a fantastic book called “Last Child in The Woods” By Richard Louv. It looks at the decline in children’s access and play in nature and effects that this having; on everything from imagination, to sensory experience and physical/emotional benefits. It is something I am very interested in and I feel very strongly about – children being in the natural world – and Richard Louv has some amazing insights, examples and research about the effects and benefits of children being in nature and living a free-range childhood. As well as the consequences of increased indoor habits of today’s children and the problem’s this is creating – epidemic obesity, attention-deficit disorder, isolation and childhood depression (to name a few).
I hope to finish it by the end of the month as I actually have at least 4 more books in a little pile I am keen to dig into.
Listening to
Of course up until a week ago our favourite playlist was a mix of various Christmas tunes. I think my fave this year was definitely the new one by Elton John and Ed Sheeran – it was so fun and feel good to have on both at home and in the car!
This week I have been listening to ‘Gonna Rise Up’ by MUSZETTE – it’s such a feel good/motivational one too that is new on my “power tunes” playlist (yes that is a real thing – make one, it will empower you!). I have also been listening to a bit of Hamilton and some Christian pop music. My kids really like the album “A Great Work” (specifically If You Believe, I am a Son of God and He Reigns) – if you enjoy Christian music this is a great one as they are very uplifting and, you guessed it – feel good!
Other than gifts galore for family, I haven’t really bought much recently. We always like to play it a little more thrifty come January (I think most people do), so we shall she if that remains that over the coming weeks! I do plan on sharing some of the bargain kids gifts I got, as I think some will be great for upcoming birthday’s too, so keep an eye out!
The last couple weeks of December were actually rather exciting for visits and adventures. I of course had a girls trip to London with my in laws and then, the following week on the 17th we took the kids out of school, got up super early and drove to London AGAIN for the day! We rode the tube, saw the Christmas lights, visited our churches world wide Nativity displays, went to the Natural History museum, saw the sites, walked what felt like a milliion miles and had an epic day! We were utterly exhausted and it took hours with diversions to get home, but we are so glad we went and had a fun little pre-christmas adventure with the kids in the capital.
In December, Nathan also had a birthday and I surprised him with an evening session at Harrogate Turkish Baths as a birthday treat. It was really lovely to be out together and have a little trip up to Harrogate for the evening and some chill time.
As I look forward to 12 new chapters and the new year ahead, I am hopeful that we might get in some more adventures, more walking and exploring, and hopefully a few new changes for our family – watch this space! Happy New Year to you all and thank you for following along.
*Going to London – Twice
*Christmas lights – especially the angels in London
*A date to the baths in Harrogate with my love
*Grateful kids at Christmas time
*Playing games and laughing with family
*Cold pressed juices
*Honey & Lemon