When you read of happy things you can’t help but smile and the last few days I have really enjoyed reading other bloggers posts on the “50 things that make me happy” , its been lovely seeing some big but mostly small little things in life that bring others happiness! Esther at Inside out and about then nominated me on twitter to do the same and compiling this list has brought a lot of joy to my heart… my blog is all about looking for the good in life and those heart warming moments, seeing beyond the difficulties and therefore I was excited to get this posted. Here goes…in no particular order, just the randomness in which I thought of them!
My husband – Looking at him, talking to him, holding his hand, snuggling and generally being together…such happiness
- Being a mother and having a flexible lifestyle
- When the kids go to bed with out grief
- When I hear the kids being little buddies and loving each other
- Megan’s Laugh – so deep and full on belly laughs
- Ice cream
- Pizza – especially Pizza hut buffet or Domino’s take away
- Singing loudly
- Dancing crazy like no one is watching even when people are
- A lie in / sleep generally
- An ice cold drink on a hot day
- The Beach
- A good view
- Tulips
- Painted nails – especially shellac
- A fresh bed
- Shaven legs
- The smell right after rain
- Going to the cinema
- Sunsets
- When Nath washes up
- Finding people that will ask and want to talk about my loss, grief and general chat on that aspect of life without judgement ,squirming or trying to get me to feel any other way than what I am
- Charity shops
- Getting a good bargain or deal – I actually go nuts
- Making a good meal for people / the fam
- Reminiscing with family and friends – always a good time
- Seeing the bottom of the laundry basket
- Going away with Nath
- Visiting historic places and learning about them
- Crazy prints to wear
- New make up – especially if then it DOESNT get tampered with by kids
- Seeing and hearing my kids pray
- Getting my hair done
- Holidays
- A tidy house with everything in its place
- The friendships I have with ALL of my in laws – a rarity for many but they literally are my second fam and they all make me happy
- Buying and giving gifts to people and the anticipation
- The sun
- Great sales at my Body shop parties – hello commission!
- Watching a good film or Programme – in bed on my lap top or snuggled on the sofa
- When people bring me dinner when i’m ill
- Swimming with the kids, splashing, being sharks and throwing them around the pool and they’re love of water and fearless approach to it
- Searching for creatures in rock pools – did it with my dad and love to do it with the kids
- Swimming in fresh water
- When the kids get treats for their reward charts – I go absolutely nuts for their achievements and makes me so happy to see the little grins and excitement
- An uninterrupted trip to the toilet or shower
- Hearing the kids sing (generally but “Let it go” is always a laugh out loud moment )
- Buffets
- Colourful clothing and fabrics
- Joggers and a hoody after a looooonnngggg day…
What makes you happy? Please comment below or compile your own list, its certainly good for the soul and adds some hearty-ness to life!