The Ordinary Moments 11/52 – My 2 little playmates

When Ethan was 11 months old I found out I was pregnant with Megs – I wanted to have them close because I wanted them to grow up and be great friends. As I laid in hospital with hyperemesis and as I waddled around prego with a baby in my arms still I often wondered “what were we thinking?” !!! We both had siblings close to us in age and it has been a lot of fun and whilst the last 2 years have been HARD work, I feel like this choice is finally paying off to see them becoming great little playmates.. we hope what we are seeing at 4.5 & almost 3 is the start of things to come!
The last 2 weeks have been hard for our family; 6 months since we lost Poppy, I’ve had a virus, Potty training and other things. Sometimes life just goes that way doesn’t it? hence the saying “it never rains it pours”. As a SAHM its hard when your ill to hold down the fort and, well things have just gone a bit … you know!

As a result of grief, illness and stressful moments we haven’t had the opportunity to go out on too many adventures, I feel bad (you always do as a mother I think when things aren’t going as you would hope) but I have also been blessed to see what great friends Ethan and Megan are. How they truly love each other, have fun together and understand each other in ways I as their mother don’t. I love to see them having fun together in their room (usually trashing it – but they always tidy up with some persuasion) , building dens, baking, trains, at the park, rock climbing or swimming…wherever they go together they have fun! YES they do fight like no other at times and its usually little E that tends to come off worse (he’s so chilled) but its very quickly resolved at this age and I am grateful they get on so well, that they can play together, enjoy being together and occupy one another to an extent when mummy isn’t on top form. I love that the choice to have kids close is starting to pay off. I love to watch them together and have loved doing very little to be able to have observed this bond and friendship they share …
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Someone recently said to me “Yes you don’t have Poppy but look at what you DO have” I don’t like comments like this, it can be conceived as disregarding the child you lost as you have 2 others. But I do look at what I DO have and I adore them, feel blessed and grateful at how well they get on and its them and their cheekiness, lovingness and fun that makes me wish I had my 6 month old on this journey too.

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  1. rachelreallife
    March 16, 2015 / 2:39 pm

    It must be so lovely watching them grow up together and they really are now at the perfect age to be friends, long may it continue! x

  2. mummydaddyme
    March 16, 2015 / 9:09 pm

    Aw what a lovely post Mary, I love that firs photo. It must be wonderful to watch them become so close, i feel the same with my girls. Thinking of you at this six month time. xx

    • March 16, 2015 / 10:43 pm

      Thank you katie! It is great to see them playing together isn’t it? I love seeing your pics on similar adventures as little friends – its so lovely to have that x

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