When Ethan was 11 months old I found out I was pregnant with Megs – I wanted to have them close because I wanted them to grow up and be great friends. As I laid in hospital with hyperemesis and as I waddled around prego with a baby in my arms still I often wondered “what were we thinking?” !!! We both had siblings close to us in age and it has been a lot of fun and whilst the last 2 years have been HARD work, I feel like this choice is finally paying off to see them becoming great little playmates.. we hope what we are seeing at 4.5 & almost 3 is the start of things to come!
The last 2 weeks have been hard for our family; 6 months since we lost Poppy, I’ve had a virus, Potty training and other things. Sometimes life just goes that way doesn’t it? hence the saying “it never rains it pours”. As a SAHM its hard when your ill to hold down the fort and, well things have just gone a bit … you know!
As a result of grief, illness and stressful moments we haven’t had the opportunity to go out on too many adventures, I feel bad (you always do as a mother I think when things aren’t going as you would hope) but I have also been blessed to see what great friends Ethan and Megan are. How they truly love each other, have fun together and understand each other in ways I as their mother don’t. I love to see them having fun together in their room (usually trashing it – but they always tidy up with some persuasion) , building dens, baking, trains, at the park, rock climbing or swimming…wherever they go together they have fun! YES they do fight like no other at times and its usually little E that tends to come off worse (he’s so chilled) but its very quickly resolved at this age and I am grateful they get on so well, that they can play together, enjoy being together and occupy one another to an extent when mummy isn’t on top form. I love that the choice to have kids close is starting to pay off. I love to watch them together and have loved doing very little to be able to have observed this bond and friendship they share …
Someone recently said to me “Yes you don’t have Poppy but look at what you DO have” I don’t like comments like this, it can be conceived as disregarding the child you lost as you have 2 others. But I do look at what I DO have and I adore them, feel blessed and grateful at how well they get on and its them and their cheekiness, lovingness and fun that makes me wish I had my 6 month old on this journey too.
It must be so lovely watching them grow up together and they really are now at the perfect age to be friends, long may it continue! x
Aw what a lovely post Mary, I love that firs photo. It must be wonderful to watch them become so close, i feel the same with my girls. Thinking of you at this six month time. xx
Thank you katie! It is great to see them playing together isn’t it? I love seeing your pics on similar adventures as little friends – its so lovely to have that x