One of the hardest parts about being told in our last pregnancy that our baby was most likely going to pass away was not being able to do any of the “normal” pregnancy prep you do as a mother. I felt I missed out on so much and have said before that it was unbelievably difficult to be planning a funeral and stuff like that instead of buying clothes, a pushchair, a crib etc. It was a painful period and I remember the day I cleared out all of Megsies baby clothes during my pregnancy that we had saved because I just felt we didn’t need them, someone else could use them and to see them reminded me I was having a girl that probably would never wear them…so off they went. I cried a few days after that, and it all felt very unfair and unnatural. I had a blanket and a few baby grows, that was all.
The anxiety of “what if’s” in the early part of this pregnancy has meant that I haven’t yet bought anything. I feel slightly awkward still in baby wear places (though I adore it too), and I almost feel like I have to keep reminding myself that its okay to be there and okay to buy something I like for my unborn baby as this one seems like she is here to stay.
I was hoping and totally expecting that this baby was a boy, so most of the things I was originally drawn to was either neutral or a boyish print and style. I never looked at girly things, probably because there is still some pain attached to baby girl clothes, and probably because I hoped I wouldn’t need to bring myself to making that choice at this point in life. But life always throws us curve balls doesn’t it and so I have been looking and trying to get excited about girls clothes again, and reminding myself that “It’s okay” and will be lovely.
It may sound strange to those who haven’t experienced what we have, after all the next step is naturally to go out shopping and start prepping for baby’s arrival…clothes, cot, pram, and everything else, but its hard when you have disconnected that part of your brain to protect your emotions, to suddenly find you have to re-engage it and embrace it all. With this I have been sheepishly hovering around the girls stuff in hope that there will be things I can love again and fill me with excitement, and thankfully there have been a few and that’s fantastic and reassuring that its still there within me.
For the most part I have been figuring out what kind of things/style I want to roll with and I think I have decided that its mostly fun, bright and a little quirky. Bold prints and fun clothes make me happy to look at and to me that it is an important factor in all of this! There are the odd normal things in there, but overly girly stuff is really not my thing and pale pinks and typical girly things, that is a no no unless they posses some kind of cool pattern or logo! With that I went and bought her some shorts in Gap that were on sale, whilst returning some things for me and as she will be a summer baby they looked useful… but that is all.
SO here is what I am loving/drawn to, wishing for and will hopefully also buy when I get my confidence up to purchase them over the next few weeks. I am in no rush as I want to enjoy it and want it to be a natural thing for me, and also know that a baby really doesn’t need a whole lot more than baby grows and vests anyway, but for practicality on hot summer days I hope some of these things will be useful for us/her!
1. Rompers/Play suits – Who doesn’t love a baby in a romper, especially in the summer? I do and think they are uber practical and look cute. In fact the ones I have featured are only a small selection of several lovely ones I have seen around and I think I may be developing an obsession with them.
I love the rainbow logo one from Gap (£12.95) just because it seems so fitting with those rainbows and pretty too, whilst keeping a coolness about it.
The spotty one is H&M (£6.99) and is pretty much just cool, Megs has a dress from H&M almost the same print so they can be a little matchy pair with that one…Then the fishy one from Mothercare (£10) and I think its just brilliant and happy to look at. I can imagine that to be a great beach outfit as its also towelling fabric!
And how funky are the fruity ones from Next (£12)? They again make me so happy to look at!
Mamas and Papas have a new peter pan range out, which never really used to be my thing, but I have to admit that I love with this one as its casual and plain and the “I believe in fairies” is cute, its £16 and I know Megs especially will adore it too being a fan of tink!
And finally, on the pricier side is this one from Boden (£17.55) its absolutely gorge! I like the bold print and retro feel to it, it also has lots of frills on the bum!
2. Dresses – I like chilled out colourful clothes and all of these reflect that. I find really frilly things impractical for young babies, but because we go to church every week I feel dresses are an essential. I like the pinafore set for Autumn (Mamas and Papas £24) and the floral/rainbow ones I LOVE…They are a bargainous £3.99 each in H&M and are very me!
I also love this one, again from Boden at £15 (They have some really cool baby girl stuff with great embroidery, patterns and print). I just think that its super fantastic with all of the random animals on and matching panties!
3. Outfits/sets – There are only a couple of things in this section, because I feel it isn’t essential until she is a few months old, but I do love the leggings and light bulb t shirt from Mothercare (£14) with the added bonus of a hair accessory (my weakness) ! And the T-shirts are from H&M (£6.99), again they’re just funky and cool! The leggings and wrap top set are again from the peter pan range at Mamas and Papas (£19), and I just like how chilled it is. It’s almost not what I would go for, but the style of the top and image make it lovely.
4. And finally – This is my absolute fave as it makes me laugh whenever I see it. And with that, I think its what I want to bring her home in (the little duck). Its just mint and it speaks for itself! From Gap (£14.95)…
This is not a sponsored post or in collaboration with anyone, just my baby clothes loves put out in a post…all images are taken from company websites and items can all be found right now on said sites.
Such a lovely blog post and gorgeous photographs too