Bye Bye Baby Bulge Week 9

Man I can’t believe we are a week from Christmas and I’ve been doing this now for 9 weeks! Only one week to go and probs not a lot more to loose in that time but we shall see. I have definitely learnt a lot, which I will share with you all next week!

The thing with grief that many will know, is that it strikes at any moment without warning and some waves can be really quite disabling. So whilst iv’e been super sensible with eating this week and even went and got my butt kicked by the box fit class weds (my abs killed for days) The last few days have been very hard for me and though I haven’t gone nuts with treats like I usually would I have eaten more chocolate and cake than I planned to! I honestly don’t think its done major damage, my clothes are fine and i’m not bloated but I don’t want to be feeling guilty of how I respond to my grief and how I get through and so this week I’ve decided not to weigh in and not feel bad if I have gained anything on top of feeling the rawness of my loss!

I also hope that on my last and final week of “Bye Bye Baby Bulge” I’ll be able to report a bigger loss and hopefully break the one-60 something barrier! Here’s a family pic we took this weekend, I really like how I look on it and feel like I look “normal” and and though the scale shows extra weight still, I like I no longer (in my opinion) look post pregnancy but just a regular size 12 mummy and getting back to myself …


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