Our Family – October 2016

November is here and I couldn’t be more excited…this is my month and I love it. The crisp air, the smell of bonfires, an abundance of fallen leaves and the fun week that is my birthday! Right now i’m scared of turning 32 (it happens a lot the week before my birthday these days) and I have no plans as to how I will celebrate, but it is coming, and with it and everything else we are hoping for in our family this month, I am rather looking forward to (fingers crossed) a chilled happy month of November!

October was such a busy month, but so great too, and in all of its commotions and celebrations we only managed one family pic. I am rather surprised, and a little gutted too if I’m honest, as I imagined last month I would be sharing with you a cute pic at Alice’s blessing, or a fun one from Ethan’s party, but I have neither and as I sit here I still cannot believed that with all of the family days we have had and amidst all of the joyful celebrations, we failed to snap the moment together! I guess we were just having too much fun!

Dressed in our scruffs, minimal makeup and a sleepy head baby is the best we have, and its just the one! It was taken whilst out on our reservoir walk in the beautiful sunshine and was just a quick selfie, but a lovely snap shot I will treasure for October. We are happy, life is going good, and it was a day where we had so much fun together.


I love it because we were all genuinely happy to be out on an adventure together that day – We were having fun and some much needed quality family time with just the 5 of us. The day was lovely and everything about it captured the season for us; it was a mild October day and the kids were enjoying seeing the ducks, walking on bridges and exploring the woods. It was a welcomed break from party and event planning like every other weekend had been and I loved how we quickly we grabbed Alice out of the pram and shoved her in the pic so we were all captured together, nothing else was forced we all felt it the right moment to have a picture taken!

Nathan is Loving

A night away for our Anniversary
The picnic and walk we had at the reservoir
A real Bratwurst at Hull Fair
Watching match of the day

I am Loving

Seeing Alice blessed at church
Having a blast at Ethan’s Disco party
Having time away with Mr Smith
Acquiring a new toy basket

Megsie is Loving

“The best Halloween ever” at auntie Jo’s house
Trick or treating and having a stash of sweets
Baking with mummy
Not having to go to school for a whole week (and a bonus extra day)

Ethan is Loving 

Turning 6 and having an amazing party
The new disco light we have from said party
Going rock climbing, swimming and bike riding with Grandma
Seeing cousins
Also trick or treating and having a stash of sweets

Alice is Loving

Smiling at everyone
Peek-a-boo with Megs
Bonus sleep overs in our bed


October has been so busy but I have loved almost every moment of it. I have loved being with our extended family loads over the past few weeks celebrating family various members and events together. I have loved embracing the season with bakes, pumpkin patch visits, walks and a little fun party last night with cousins, but most of all I have loved seeing the kids having a blast with it all! And now I am rather excited for November, birthday month, bonfires and things being more about me and less about me running around after everyone else.

The Me and Mine Project


  1. November 4, 2016 / 4:04 pm

    That photo is ace Mary!! Definitely a keeper, I love it. You’re the same age as me 🙂 I turned 32 this July, once I got over the 30 mark I stopped stressing about it, 0 was a tough one though, haha! Enjoy your month xx
    Hayley Smith recently posted…Green People Gift SetsMy Profile

  2. November 4, 2016 / 8:48 pm

    That is the best family selfie I have ever seen. Way to capture the happiness, smiles and even the sleeping baby. It’s perfect. I hope you have framed it on your wall. 32 years is a good age, me too and I felt as soon as I hit 30 it’s just a number now. Hope November is has lovely for you all. #meandmineproject

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