Our Family May 2016


I wish I could say we were currently on holiday in Finland (or somewhere equally cool), and these pics were taken in a Köte living the local dream and lapping up the culture, but unfortunately we are not. As much as we needed and hoped to be on holiday this week, the realisation that I would be approaching 32 weeks of pregnancy was enough to decide it might not be the best choice to travel too far. And now I am verging on the awkward waddle stage and Nathans work still up in the air, it was in hindsight a good choice…So yes we have been enjoying some family time in a Köte, and sitting on reindeer skins whilst cooking on an open fire, but all in the back garden at grandma’s! And these pics make me smile as I think of how relaxing and family orientated this weekend has been…the perfect end to a crazy month!

May has been jam packed with exams and then LOTS of extra appointments for our pregnancy since saying I was measuring small leading to a diabetes diagnosis, and to be honest I feel pretty worn out with the pace our lives have been going at – I guess what I am trying to say is that half term couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! I really really did hope for a holiday this week knowing for a while what May would be like, yet whilst our plans for one didn’t pan out, having this bank holiday weekend with little on the agenda has actually been both relaxing and lovely. It hasn’t mattered where we are because in reality to reconnect with one another and visit and catch up with family, seeing the kids having fun and adventures in Grandma’s garden, and then looking forward to more family adventures throughout the week has just been great… It is nice, where ever we are to just all be together.


This month Megan refused to perform in her 1st dance show which is next month and she tried hard to learn to ride a bike (but to no avail).. her balance is way off, but her height, independence and desire to keep up with Ethan keeps her pestering to do it! Plans are well under way for her 4th Birthday and this is the biggest thing occupying her mind and conversation still!

Ethan apparently has lots of girlfriends at school and is obsessed with riding his bike (hence the above). He is loving doing sums and writing at his little desk on a daily basis and generally whilst helpful and loving, is becoming a rather messy boy at home!

I am pleased that Nathan has finally finished all of his exams and reported they couldn’t have gone any better – I am hoping this is true! It was nice to celebrate with him at his graduation ball and I am super excited for his graduation in July. The word for May has definitely been “busy” and with that I really hope to create a June where we can slow down and have lots of lovely adventures together before another busy month of July where we will see Nathans Graduation, end of the school year and a brand new baby… but I think it will be more about baby prep and job hunting, family life is never quiet for long is it? Perhaps a relaxing half term is more manageable!

The Me and Mine Project


  1. June 1, 2016 / 2:57 pm

    I love these photos, and can’t believe you’re 32 weeks already! Sending lots of love xx

  2. October 17, 2020 / 2:01 pm

    Wow! Was your pregnancy happy?

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