One things for sure and that is that our family looks vastly different to our last months family update. We were delighted for the safe arrival of little Alice in the early hours of the morning on Tuesday 19th and she is an absolute delight! She is the 6th member of our family and our 4th child (though many will and do think she makes us a family of 5)! She is a little cutie who has lightened our hearts, brought joy to our home and is keeping us super busy. She has stolen the spotlight for pretty much every other aspect of life, dominating our schedules, social media and hearts!
I love this 1st family pic we had in the hospital the day she was born and the start of a new chapter with her in it…
Other than prep for her arrival and Nathans Graduation, July has been all about her! We have spent these almost 2 weeks that she has been in our lives just chilling out, resting, watching movies and enjoying her. Megan adores her little toes and bursts with glee over her cuteness, and recently in the car has tried to convince us she’s misbehaving (really??? an almost 2 week old baby??? ). Ethan, whilst still overjoyed and easily giddy over her, takes his role as big brother very seriously, and has been caught too many times already trying to lift her up to comfort her or carry her to “be helpful” to me..His favourite things are to hold her and push her pram and tell me how lovely she is! They both love that they have several weeks of no school to be with the baby, be with me and be with each other. They are looking forward to lots of adventures and days playing out!
Just yesterday we attempted our 1st little family day out. We decided on a National trust spot as we could be certain for a good time and lots to do and so headed to Nunnington Hall in North Yorkshire. It was such a lovely place with lots of fun Knight themed things going on for the kids. The hall was intriguing and the scenery splendid! It was perfect – at least on the surface, but we were quickly reminded of what life with a new born is really like… breastfeeding on the lawn/in the car/by the rd side…weed on when changing her in the car and walking around with wet jeans… the list goes on and needless to say both Nathan and I were done in by home time! Whilst having a lot of fun and laughs together we are more than aware who rules the roost now and how very demanding an extra member can be!!!!
Despite the crazy moments when I look at the pics we took, I just LOVE this next one so much and it is possibly my most fave family pic from this month and that trip – I love how happy we look but also how chaotic it is with none of us looking at the camera. I love how we parents are doing our best to organise things. I love I am wearing my skinny jeans again so soon and how I am holding a random muslin in my hand (just in case) and being the eager new mum… Its just our new normal right there in one shot – Fun days out mixed up with chaos! I wouldn’t have it any other way… July we have loved you and everything you have brought (minus the lack of control some days but ssshhhh)!
Congratulations! A beautiful name (my eldest is called Alice), for a beautifully girl. Enjoy this special time getting to know your new baby girl. Lovely photos, definitely ones for the album x #meandmine
Laura – dear bear and beany recently posted…Me and Mine… A Family Project July 2016
Huge huge congratulations to your beautiful family and the safe arrival of Alice. She is beautiful. The bigger ones look ready to take on bigger siblings roles too. Love the last one that’s usually how our family photos are organized too. But it’s a lovely one too above it that you get them all looking and through the doors to your new journey of another siblings added. I love it. #meandmineproject
Massive congratulations, she is absolutely adorable – and what a smashing first photos together, you all look so very very happy!
Carie @ Space for the Butterflies recently posted…Me and Mine 2016: July
Ah what a super special post!! Massive congratulations on the birth of your little baby girl. Having given birth to my third only 4 months ago, I know only too well what you mean by her taking over every aspect of your life!! Beautiful pictures to cherish forever! #meandmine xx
Oh congratulations on your new arrival, she is just beautiful. And such gorgeous photos of you together too, the hospital one is special because it’s the first one,. but I adore that photo of you all framed by that beautiful window. It’s stunning. x
Look at you gorgeous lady in your skinny jeans, you look fantastic and I love how happy you all look in these pictures. Little Alice is so adorable and Megs and Ethan look so happy to be big brother and big sister x
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