Our Family in May 2018

May 2018 has been a really strange month for us. There has been no major trips or adventures we have taken, and we have no big news to share, but then there has been a few, more serious things (like a day at A&E) that has meant that it has just felt all a little bit of a strange one! We have been fortunate to have lovely weather, but our weekends, half term, and those bonus bank holidays, have all been spent locally and I have actually really liked that! We have been appreciating where we live and remembering why we fell in love with this part of East Yorkshire, and it has brought some tranquility in the madness!

The month began on a high with a bank holiday weekend, and we made the most of the sunshine we had with a lovely 5 mile walk with the family, which saw us leaving from our house and trekking around the local countryside to a lovely spring. I love where we live – it is stunning, and being in open, pretty spaces makes me feel at peace. It is good for the soul and I hope I never tire of the fields, woodland and cosy cottages that surround us in our village! In just a few days it will have been a whole year since we moved over to East Yorkshire from Leeds, and whilst some things have been a challenge for us in this time, and some adjustments have had to be made, overall it was the best decision for our family, and we are lapping up the peace and tranquility of living in a place filled with so much nature and beauty (and lovely neighbours). With the generally milder weather of May, we have embraced all of this by getting out on several walks and strolls around the countryside where we live, and each time we feel incredibly grateful to have our home here.

Our pictures this month are taken in the local woods a couple of weeks ago when we had a spontaneous Sunday afternoon stroll and dinner with some of my family after church. I look wrecked, and have been ill now for almost 2 weeks (not knowing until last week that it was my kidney!), but despite that, I love how chilled we all were that day, and how it is reflective of our relaxed approach to life now. Comparing me last year to this, I would say I wear trainers and Ts a lot more than I ever did, and I have more make up free days too. I love wearing cool things of course, but my lifestyle now is more chill and seems to have become much more about the joy of getting out in nature with my kids and for myself, and dressing for that! I like the balance we have there in life (and this pic)!

Aside from country walks and noticing our chilled life, the month of May has also seen Mr Smith having a car accident, me a kidney infection, and us both heading to (and very much loving) a Bryan Adams concert in Manchester. It has seen Alice learn new words, and Ethan and Megs having an epic sleepover with cousins at their Grandma Smith’s house just this last weekend!

I would say this month has been lovely, eye opening, and also rather weird and strange too with illness and accidents (resulting in an A&E day trip).

Next month Megan turns 6, we celebrate 12 months living in East Yorkshire, and I finish my counselling course I have worked so hard to get through! I hope both Mr Smith and I feel well, and can enjoy the celebrations of June!

This Month We Are Grateful For…

*Nathan not being too badly hurt
*The NHS – it has helped Nath in his accident and me with being ill recently
*Sunshine to enjoy nature
*Grandma for having the kids for the weekend
*Family for babysitting so we could enjoy a concert in Manchester
*A pimped courtesy car whilst ours is in the garage
*Bank Holiday weekends and time together
*Our newly decorated kitchen

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