Our Family in August 2018

I am sad to have come to the end of August, purely because we have had such a wonderful and adventurous month! The Summer holidays have been a real treat and we have made some fabulous memories together (as well as with family and friends). I am going to miss the kids when they go back to school on Tuesday – our relaxed mornings, our plans and days out together, those picnics and mad dashes for the train!

Yes, things will certainly be a lot quieter and less eventful than they have been over this passed month.

In August we have had multiple beach trips, country walks, our first family camping trip and Megan and I finally baked together! We have watched countless movies, had a cinema trip, being rockpooling and the kids have played out on their bikes with their friends. We have had sleepovers at Grandma’s and been twice to one of our favourite museums! We have fully embraced the Summer holidays and it has been both fun and relaxing!

Whilst we haven’t done half of what was on our Summer Bucket list this year, and although Mr Smith spent 2 weeks of August plagued by illness, we have nevertheless had an absolutely wonderful Summer holidays together!

Our Pictures this month are taken on 2 separate occasions over the bank holiday weekend last week. We stayed in a lovely big house on the cliffs of the scottish coast in the Galloway area, along with all of Nathan’s family. It was a lovely getaway and I love these pictures of us all. We do look rather Autumnal (due to the much cooler temperatures we had) but it was one last fabulous adventure as a family before getting ready to go back to school!

We will all miss our casual days and beach days… the taking it easy day to day and not clock watching, but as we head into the changes of September and what has always been a bit of a funny month for our family as we look to celebrate Poppy, we take with us our memories and all that we are grateful for this month.

In August we are grateful for…

The Summer Holidays
A trip to Scotland with family
Having some of our friends from Leeds visit (and stay over)
Lots of trips to the beach
Excellent weather
A great first camping experience and tent adventures
A beach day with our neighbour friends / Lots of days out with them
Eating waffles/Doughnuts on the Harbour
Seeing lots of new lighthouses
Spending time with Cousins
A visit to Chatsworth House
Mummy getting her Level 3 certificate in Counselling
Adventures through the caves
Living in the countryside and having lovely walks

Thank you August – you have given us fabulous adventures, weather and friendships!

The Me + Mine Project - Dear Beautiful


  1. September 5, 2018 / 2:43 pm

    This year is moving too quick. Lots of parents are saying the something.

  2. September 9, 2018 / 12:31 am

    I don’t know where this summer has gone, it feels like my family was just on its first beach adventure yesterday but it’s really been 3 months. But like your family, we’re so grateful for the adventures we’ve been able to have this summer and look forward to the fall. Have a wonderful evening.
    Megan recently posted…The Best Beach Wagons for Soft SandMy Profile

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