Our Family April 2016

I realised recently both looking around our home and sat reading some favourite blogs, that we have very few pictures of us all together, and that made me rather sad. I capture the kids, I write our adventures, my emotions and our stories, but we are rarely featured all together as a family unit, and this gap in my blog desperately needs filling! It needs to be a place to capture our ever changing family as a whole and not just as individuals. I want to look back on these times and preserve not just images of my children or either of us with them (though they are very special to me too) but of us all, our little family. I want to see how we looked together at these milestones and moments and for them to see our presence in their lives. I want to remember how we pulled together and supported each other in every endeavour and adventure, the fun we had TOGETHER behind that image and the unity we created in the process. The me and mine project is all about that and I am excited to finally be joining in and sharing our family updates and pics each month!
WP_20160429_17_32_39_ProWe are stood on the verge now of some major changes in our family, and as I think of how differently things are going to be and look for us over the next few months, with Nathans Uni years finally ending, a new baby in July and big school for Megs later in the year, I want to really focus regularly on our family as a whole and capture more moments with us all in it together. So before any more changes in life I am determined to capture our family more as a whole, and we began the other night when we enjoyed a long awaited family trip to the circus. The picture isn’t as clear as our selfies earlier in the evening, but I look at these pics and remember how we felt excitement and that it was so nice to be together as a 4 and enjoy time as a family with no deadlines and stresses hanging over us. The kids adored it from start to finish and we loved having just a few hours to be together, laugh, and be in awe of incredible talents…we simply loved it!
WP_20160429_20_46_18_ProApril has been a hard month and I am rather pleased it is over – Nath has spent most of it, inside, at his desk attempting to write his 12,000 word dissertation on high speed rail, Yeah not exactly my idea of fun yet a necessary step towards our future, and I am super proud of the commitment and endurance he has displayed, and of course the relief it has been to have that one in the past! With those few weeks of all of that I admit I did struggled some days to not pester him, to not have him on hand with life and parenting, and to not have his attention and company as much as I would have liked. I know that my role in supporting and temporarily sacrificing these things though have been vital in helping and supporting him, but for the record being an emotional, exhausted pregnant women at times have made it extremely tough to accomplish this! Its been nice to have ended the month talking more, seeing each other more and having evenings to hang out and watch suits!

When I think of Megan in April 2016 I think of how she asks daily if its her 4th birthday yet? Its about 6 weeks away now but obviously a day she is super excited for where every aspect is being planned and where she hopes she can still stay 3 after her party!?
For Ethan this month saw him embark on his 1st school trip to the farm. I wished I could bottle up the excitement and joy he portrayed both leading up to it and returning home that day.. it was lovely and certainly a memorable moment for a 5 year old! Together they are utterly excited for each day closer to another baby sister (we all are) and one they get to grow up with, adore and cuddle daily.
WP_20160429_17_33_41_ProLife really is changing for all of us so quickly and I hope that May will bring some joyful news of a job and therefore more knowledge of what the future looks like, and finally a little sun would be nice too to enjoy some lovely days out as a family 🙂

The Me and Mine Project


  1. April 30, 2016 / 7:47 am

    This is my first month being part of me and mine, for the same reason as you, we hardly have any photos of the four of us. I don’t envy him having to write 12,000 words on anything, let alone high speed rail 🙂 Sounds like you are pleased to be at the end of April. Lovely photos and look forward to seeing more of you all together x

    • May 2, 2016 / 8:09 pm

      Thank you that’s really nice of you. I hope we both can keep up with “me & mine” then and have more lovely pictures of our families! x

  2. April 30, 2016 / 8:38 am

    Lovely photos and so nice to see you all together. It sounds like you’ve had a busy and hectic month so I hope May is a little kinder to you (and a little warmer because it is too cold!) xx

    • May 2, 2016 / 8:10 pm

      Thanks Chantal – yes it has and yes we hope so. Im hearing that there’s some warm sunny days on the horizon for this week, so that will be joyful x

  3. April 30, 2016 / 9:27 am

    Aww my husband works on the railway. I hope your husband finds a job soon. If you want any tips or contacts let me know. I love the selfies, sometimes I think they turn out the best.

    • May 2, 2016 / 8:11 pm

      Really? Thats a lovely offer – Ill let the hubs know. I am not sure if he wants to work in rail or just found it an interesting topic to write about haha
      Thanks – hopefully this month we will be more organised and get some nice shots x

  4. April 30, 2016 / 11:53 am

    It so nice to have a reason to get out and get these photos isn’t it? Sounds so busy and here’s to May! Xx

  5. Carie
    April 30, 2016 / 7:39 pm

    Aww such lovely happy photos to celebrate the high days of the month – and congratulations to your husband on finishing his dissertation!!

  6. May 2, 2016 / 7:37 am

    You really do all look so excited and happy, really lovely pics! I’m sure there will be lots of change, especially with your new addition, so you will love having these precious photos to look back on. I’ve just done my first Me and Mine year! xx

    • May 2, 2016 / 8:16 pm

      Wooop well done. Though so many changes in that year for you too Julia of how the family looks. These photos really are precious and its nice to celebrate the good times when they come around x

  7. May 4, 2016 / 1:12 pm

    I love the Me and Mine project and you all look so happy Mary. I am really excited to see how your beautiful family changes in the coming months. And thank heavens for Suits eh. You can’t beat abit of Harvey at the end of the day can you lol x

    • May 7, 2016 / 7:13 am

      You certainly can’t Tracey – what a dish haha! I love the jokes and stuff its just good! Thanks for your lovely words, and yes lots will change so soon x

  8. May 4, 2016 / 9:39 pm

    I am also longing for some sunny days ahead! Gorgeous photos – you look like such a fun family! x

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